I'm sure having her father call her fat probably doesn't help either.
I'm sure having her father call her fat probably doesn't help either.
I think Rosie was just too honest. People like Oprah and Ellen understand that the public "you" can only be the good parts. People will always love some of you, but they'll never love all of you.
Hrm, they're starting to show too much. I really wish they wouldn't do that, I think there's something to be said for leaving a little awe for the real viewing. Looks really good though.
We can look at the closest people to that state though. Like Tom Cruise.
I don't blame you for your bias. I think in order to improve as humans we have to make one question the most important: will we allow bad things to make us bad people. Evil spreads like a disease.
I know what you mean. Hot without heels and makeup. I agree. They did a good job balancing the strong thing with her womanhood on BSG, I think.
Good lord, I am trying to imagine the lack of self reflection necessary to spout this stuff without feeling completely insane. Thank you, Scientology, we here on earth had a little thing called The Twilight Zone, and lots of other speculative fiction. If a spaceship landed with a banner that said...
One can understand a situation without excusing it. Does the wrongness of our presence in Afghanistan excuse the 13 civilians killed by a roadside bomb set by the Taliban in the week leading to this tragedy? The same Taliban that stormed out of peace talks in outrage because of this situation?
I was hoping to see her in something like Prometheus, at least something besides the troubled third installment of this. I hope she doesn't get stuck in a B movie rut.
He'd been through three tours in Iraq, where he'd suffered head trauma and had part of his foot removed, and then instead of being sent home was sent to yet another bad place in Afghanistan, where he'd seen yet another of his comrades lose a leg the day before.
Because it's cool, didn't you know? Kind of like slurring 'firecrotch' about LiLo while drunk, and stuff. Cool people have to have someone to use as a contrasting byword, otherwise without contrast their coolness lacks the necessary zazz.
Adapted to the environment and fitted with their own source of oxygen, are there reasons why they wouldn't work?
I grant them extra win for the arrangement on Wagner they're using from about 2:00 on.
Three inches down? Well, either she is standing on her head or her boobs sprouted from her neck.
I think it was the principal who was making the case that they didn't know what the group was all about. It saddens me someone has to end their career this way, but the fact they heard where this was going and allowed it to continue kind of makes it necessary, I think. Damage was done that day, no matter what they…
Like I said on the Gawker post, I call shenanigans on all the 'omg we were so surprised' crap from the faculty. They stood by and let these people go on and on, when it was evident what it was fairly early. Someone needs the boot.
so many defend
I swear to god I read this as "The Problem with Nietzsche Dating Sites". I was imagining dating sites for the über, kind of The Ladders for Teutonic horniness.
Sure, but what I'm saying is that any normal politician WOULD lie, or twist the truth, or deflect the criticism. He doesn't even hear the criticism, or lacks the ability to coordinate it with what he says. That is a really odd thing, a flaw that runs way deeper than any ideology.