I’m Bobbin, are you my mother?
I’m Bobbin, are you my mother?
I’d play the hell out of it, can’t even lie.
“...a part that remembers this logo from games like Monkey Island...”
Give me insult swordfighting in 4k 120 fps, or give me death.
Welcome back! Hope something continues to play nice so you can stay. :)
It is quite good. Obviously there aren’t a ton of PS5 games out yet, but PS4 games are just so stable running on it and load times are noticeably improved. Actually, I messed around with Destiny 2 just to check it out, and at 4k/60FPS it almost makes me want to play that game again. Almost.
Ha! I was wondering where you’d been. Glad it was technical issues and not something else!
I’m also on a Souls kick right now. The first one falls off somewhat after Anor Londo (due to rushed production, from what I’ve heard), but it’s still definitely worth playing. But Bloodborne is incredible. You should really get back to that...
There he is. Welcome back! Ish.
Yeah, its been a week. I’ve got to hook up the new router and modem this weekend, so that will be fun. Also, I want to build a stand for the new benchtop sander I picked up, and play a bit of Among Us and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I just cleared out Winchestre.
I finished both Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Spider-Man: Miles Morales over the holidays, so I have now started Persona 5 earlier this week. It’s my first time playing a Persona title, so we’ll see how that goes!
Nothing. Too depressed/stressed.
I really need to get back into God Eater 3, but I’ve been so focused on painting lately that I haven’t touched a videogame in months. Not that I haven’t been enjoying painting. I guess that’s been my most recent revelation; having two big hobbies (videogames and miniatures) means that one is always going to take up…
Slowly chipping away at the first Dark Souls lately, so some more of that. I’m back in Blighttown for like the millionth time. There have been several attempts to finish over the years and I always end up starting over. I’ve been as far as Anor Londo. I’m making it my mission to actually finish all the Soulsborne…
I won’t be playing anything. Well, I’ll make a bit of progress with my son in Mario Odyssey, but for myself? I need a moment. I just finished the Demon’s Souls remake on Tuesday night, and wanted to take a little time to consider my next game. But Wednesday really threw me for a loop. More than I would’ve expected…
Enjoying getting to dabble in the PS4 classics I never got to play. I’ll probably play more God Of War (2018) and maybe a little Fall Guys. If I need a break from smashing monsters with an ax, a little Miles Morales or Bugsnax.
yea but luke i just want to know one thing
They should just roll back that entire PS Store update. The webstore is complete trash now.
You’re absolutely correct - I remember when this change happened, and thought it was really dumb. I too, am glad that they’re walking it back.
Yes, you remember correctly. I recall being quite irritated at the time. I haven’t used it much since I stopped playing Destiny, but this seems like a smart change.
Finally managed to finish a game of A Way Out that me and a buddy started a few months ago on Friday night. He’s got two kids, so finding time is difficult for him and I think single-player games just fit better. Anyway, it was a good game! Fun twist at the end too. Didn’t see it coming at all.