I’d like it to be over but I don't want there to be any follow up disasters. No massive floods or mudslides. No winters full of ice storms. No sharknados. Just a nice, cozy autumn.
I’d like it to be over but I don't want there to be any follow up disasters. No massive floods or mudslides. No winters full of ice storms. No sharknados. Just a nice, cozy autumn.
There might actually be clear skies and clean air this weekend in Portland, so that will mean playing ball and getting some walks in with our cooped up dogs. I’ve barely been letting them run around the back yard while the smoke fog has been around.
An official version of the board game Wingspan is out on Steam and I can't wait to try it out. I love that game.
I’ve thought that royal fumble would be a lot better with lots of players rather than 6 or less, and that hoarders or jinxed would be better with smaller teams. These egg scramble experiences only reinforces those beliefs for me.
Yeah, everything I see has it being a little too into the vicious gore, like it’s run by mid-2000s bro horror producers. Not my jam.
Right? If it would be campy enough, I'd be all for it. Like, have Sam Raimi consult on it.
That looks delightful and fun and I miss that era of ps1 games, just so colorful and goofy and open to different concepts.
Same in my game!
I only got in a few rounds this morning, but hit a remix of see saw with the platforms in new positions, hit parade with whirlygig spinny jumps instead of the turning walls and more moving barriers to dodge at the end, and a 4v4v4 game of egg scramble that was actually fun for once. I’m really looking forward to a few…
Got in a few rounds this morning and ran into remixed See Saw and Hit Parade games and I am ALL FOR THIS. The more chaos, the better.
How has this game breaking error not been patched yet
Be sure to toggle the option that gives you a 180 spin at the touch of a button (I can’t remember what it’s called) so that you learn to hit it each time you ollie to add (at least) another 50% to your score multiplier each and every time. Often you can get two spins in over gaps and such.
Well, I did come back to getting a Mecha Kitty outfit and skeleguy skin in Fall Guys, which is pretty sweet. I did get further in the book I’m reading, we finished a puzzle, had a good long beach walk in the fog (of which I took some photos that came out spoooooky, see below for my favorite), and generally hung around…
Yeah, I’ve just been in the vacation zone, which was highly needed and sublimely timed. We’re north of the main fires, but thankfully the evacuation zone has shrunk rather than expanded in the last few days. With some luck we’ll get some rain to combat both fires and smoke, and the worst will be over for now, but it’s…
It was foggy but breathable, for sure. We were south of Cannon Beach, around Arch Cape, and I think the northern section of the coast is doing okay so far. I highly recommend getting out of town!
Dawww, nuts. Fine. Okay.
I second all this!
My god, man, you’ve cracked it wide open!
I’m playing Get Away From The Apocalypse this weekend, since the county south of us is mostly on fire and we had a beach house rental set up this weekend ahead of time. Just clinch timing. We’re going to pack a few more essential documents and supplies than the usual beach house trip, just in case, though there’s…