
Yup, this is where I am at, too. That's why I figure once I put down this current video game, force myself to at least read a chapter or two of something first. If that works out, maybe I can get myself to do some stretching and a push up or two again. Gotta build those good habits back up. 

I have not been reading much at all during the pandemic. I think I should probably change that soon, like after I wrap up Yakuza 6. Take a break, work even just a little bit of reading after the work day. I used to get in about an hour a day reading on the train to and from work. That made it easy. I have been

Hell yes. BRB gotta ninja rope to the store.  

Thanks for the heads up! I will let her know!

Ha! It’s a cute diversion but sadly not the deepest mini game. My wife is all about Neko Atsume on her phone, which is much cuter and more of a game than the Yakuza 6 cats. If your GF isn’t playing that yet, highly recommended. 

Cheers to that. 

I mean, in the story, Kazuma Kiryu may be a former yakuza chairman and superior brawler caught in the middle of a high stakes conflict while trying to find out what happened to his adopted daughter who is now in a coma, but in terms of the time I’ve spent in the game, he’s not only great at batting cage challenges but

Yeah, I woke up and read about and watched videos of the unlabeled federal officers in full military camo kits in Portland, where I live, tear gassing and firing off riot munitions without warning or discretion, all at a largely peaceful protest, and, yeah, that’s cast a shadow on my day.

The Yakuza 6 binge continues. I’m now maxed out on stats and perks, have all but the baseball substories done, have all but the baseball and clan creator mini games done, a handful of troublr missions that I don’t think trigger until later anyway, and I’m only about halfway through the story chapters. Probably finish

They’re definitely fine to just drop in. They’ll give you all the backstory you need regardless. It’s more soap opera than carefully crafted series, so it’s fine to just jump in and go with it. I like the convoluted stories and over the top drama of them, but for me it's all frosting on top of the beat em up, mini

My wife is lactose intolerant, so cake is either a negotiation of exception and freezer space or a learning experience in substitutions. Before the quarantine time I’d just take treats into work, but now it’s just us so I tend to just make smaller treats that freeze well. Cake sounds good, though. What I really want,

Save = star these days. 

Oh, please. If you’d read the article you’d know there’s no way to tell if this news is hard or soft. 

My mom is keeping inside really well and is happy with books and shows and just staying safe. She’s down near my brother in Santa Cruz do he helps out delivering groceries and such for her. Her friends are a bit dumb about it but she’s okay if they think she’s crazy by staying so distanced. My brother is mainly

Oh so pretty! I do love shepherds. 

Happy birthday!

I was reading about Biosphere 2 yesterday and it made me thankful in my own isolation to have... adequate oxygen saturation in my home. Can’t take those little things for granted.

You got your head on straight about this cake. One more thing to add to your list: just don’t overbake it. Get some toothpicks to test how done it is and start checking it by putting the toothpick down into the cake a few minutes before the box says it will be done. If the toothpick comes out with liquid batter still

Thanks! The vasectomy was easier than any other medical or dental procedure I’ve ever had, and so has the recovery. Highly recommended if any testicle-havers don’t want (more) kids!

My mind is a bit of a blank this morning after a weekend spent on the couch, convalescing via video games. Though I was awake enough this morning to think about how so much of Twin Peaks season 2, when Lynch had stepped away, is so cringey. Thankfully we’re at the finale, which is good.