
I’ve been reflecting on the quality of lots of the non-book Harry Potter projects recently, and, setting aside the current dumpster fire that is JKR (even her Robert Galbraith pen name has issues once googled), many of the games and merch that have come out have been a mixed bag that all look like convenient cash

Ooo, nice. That sounds really good!

Oh, that’s a good choice. 

Here’s the recipe I use:

It sounds very cinematic in my mind. Was there a good soundtrack going at that moment?

I sincerely hope reopening goes better there than it has in most other US cities. Wouldn’t that be a good change of pace.

He is, truly, The Couchmaster!

Save for the middle of season 2 when Lynch stepped away for a little bit, it’s excellent (though I haven't watched the return season yet). If the pilot doesn't hook you, though, the rest probably won't hook you either. 

I put together the French bistro lego set a couple weeks ago and that was a fun build. Lots of little flourishes and the modular levels to it are fun to take off to look into the rooms. I have an older haunted house set disassembled in a screws-and-nuts multi container box thing that I should put together again. That

Awesome. That's exactly the vibe I'm looking for!

My plan for the weekend is to try and get through What Remains of Edith Fitch in a few sittings in order to cross that off the backlog and have a change of pace. I think I’ll also try to pick GT Sport back up and continue my license trials. 

Sorry to hear about your lettuce soup regrets. Lettuce Soup Regrets is my favorite Phish bootleg though. 

That's awesome!

Read any of The Expanse books? Those end up being my starting recommendation since they’re fun reads that keep things moving but also substantial enough that I'm not done right away. 

Oh yeah, I think there’s real value in building off of what a studio has already established, even outside of the games as service model. The Yakuza series traditionally kept so many existing assets or mini games or whatnot around, but could just tweak or iterate without having to start from scratch, and I definitely

Great points. I’ll admit to having surprisingly strong happy feelings each time I pick up a beautiful bunch of breakfast radishes at a market. They're just lovely.

Never leaf us, Riley. 

Larb and tiger beer on a hot day? I mean, who cares about foodie cred at that point.

I second this! Also, spicy radish greens make excellent additions to salads.

Well, now I'm interested!