
We’re in full June-uary weather right now, so it’s an overcast sky and the sound of rain and I’d rather sleep than jump on another conference call that goes nowhere. We live at one edge of a closed county that borders on an opening one, which is just kind of weird. Parking lots seem busy regardless. Coworkers are

Gah. Ugh. Gahhhhhh. I don't like it!

Oof, that sucks. I hope you find some relief from all of that, and soon. 

Yes! Great news! So glad to hear it!

Haven’t really done friend time outside of texting for a while, I think mostly because I’m feeling pretty tired outside of work and keeping up with the news. I’m heartened by Portland’s continued marches and protests, and by friends who have marched. I continue to hope for radical change to our police force.

No clue on desks, but we just got a new couch and my back is so much happier. Extra firm filling and not-deep sitting ftw!

Daaaaaaaaamn. Very cool. 

Not really. There are a few twists on the formula and a smattering of choices to make, but it is what it is. I spent most of my time wandering around and adventuring outside of the main story. A lot of the side quest stories are a lot more interesting than much of the main quest, though. I did like hunting down the

AC: Odyssey was probably the game with the longest first playthrough I’ve ever had, over 200 hours, and that was doing absolutely everything in the game and DLC. Yet I never really grew that tired of it, it’s just a really, really playable game, and for as huge as it is, really well tuned and stable. By the end of the

Oh goodness, that’s sad. What do you remember about it? What were your 8 year old’s hopes and dreams for it?


I had no idea. This was an era of lego games I completely didn't know existed. 

Mario Brothers: Syndicate” sounds like an awesome game 

That’s one I plan on playing soon as well! I’ve had lego batman 3 waiting in the queue for a while now so I need to do that first, but it’s undercover after that. 

I wrapped up Agents of Mayhem last night, and while there were fun mechanics in there, they’re often countered with strange design choices and a distinct lack of fine tuning—like, there’s a triple jump but it cancels out momentum each time you jump, and platforms and buildings are not sized or gapped proportional to a

I’ve had a few friends now that have had a cpap machine transform their sleep cycle and really improve their day to day life. I’ve been a good sleeper for the most part, though as I’ve aged it’s shifted to where I can get to sleep easier but I don’t sleep in naturally as often any more. Once I’m up, I’m up. I’m... A

I was just thinking about the confusion caused by so much military BDU usage and armament in this era. Are they actual military? Private mercenary? Federal law enforcement? State law enforcement? Sheriffs? Local law enforcement? Militia? White supremacists? 2nd amendment supporters? Military enthusiasts? I know there

I woke up really fuzzy this morning, after a big hodge podge of dreams. Now one of my dogs is just showing off by hogging the couch as he sleeps, leaving me jealous of dog life.

My ability to juggle things has been greatly diminished lately, and my short term memory is definitely shot most days. Keep on keeping on. 

Thankfully there haven’t been any uncomfortable offhand comments yet at work, though I was able to clarify that for at least one night, the protests were peaceful and without conflicts or damage in Portland (Monday night, though the police went completely overboard with tear gas last night, just shameful). The work