
This is what I came here for. 

I hear you. 

I will always take more recipe recommendations, especially smitten kitchen ones. Thanks!

Oh no. Even worse! So sorry!

A pop tart burn?! Ye gods, that sounds vicious.  No sarcasm--it’s one of those things where I feel like I’d grab it just as normal, using the same force and pressure, and just not realize it until it’s too late. 

This topic is really speaking to me today. I’ll continue to give donations as things progress, but I do want to do more. I’m going to amplify the voices and experiences of black Americans and others directly impacted by police and state violence. I’ll continue to bear witness and try to speak out and share verified

Don't downplay that courage. It takes a lot of strength to confront family like that. I applaud you for it. 

Definitely not courageous here. Lots of heavy thinking and doing my best to bear witness, and a big round of monetary donations to places making a difference in police reform and racial justice. But, where’s my body at? Still indoors, away from the many marches each night in Portland. Would I be out there if there

My dogs both have very fluffy feet if we don’t trim them, and right now we’ve been lazy in that regard. This fluff picks up not just dirt, but any small bits of debris and loose plant matter in the vicinity. Couple that with a hodge podge dirt-and-grass-and-weeds shaded back yard they run in, and some rain, and it’s

I keep thinking of my black colleagues and I’m hoping they take time off if they need it. I don’t know what it would feel like for them, and I certainly wouldn’t want to deal with workplace conversations or pithy but well meaning remarks on conference calls right now. I just hope meaningful change comes out of this in

This is so cool.

Yeah, there’s not much there, there. But it’s fun for what it is, and I figure I really don’t need to grind anything out--unlock all the characters, find my one or two main squads, and play until it’s not that much fun anymore. I have no urge to be a completionist on this one. 


Whoa. Time to yourself? I love my wife and we’ve quarantined wonderfully together, but I am quite jealous of this alone time you're going to have.

I’ll probably power through some more Agents of Mayhem before switching to the Control DLC. If I’m feeling really industrious I may try to figure out how to get DOSbox running on my Mac laptop again. Stupid Catalina killed off a lot of fun old things that were 32 bit. I really can’t wait for this laptop to give me a

When I read an article like this, my cheap and easy joke sense really Pringles. 

Way to Ruffles our feathers, Ian. Fine, I'll Cheez-It with the snacking. But don't expect me to cornbread-dressing-stuffed Cornish game hen with a balsamic-pomegranate glaze and a side of harissa stewed butternut squash with sheep's cheese and baked apples about it. 

It’s more of a way of life rather than a moment to moment thing, especially when I have the benefit of editing before I publish. 

Trash pandas gonna trash. 

Cooking for me really depends on the techniques needed, but usually I’ll start with a recipe and then either swap out certain ingredients (leeks for onions, say; different but similar veggies is always a good way to mix things up), or tighten up certain steps if I’ve learned a better technique from a different recipe.