Hell yeah, you’re not done yet! Thank you for fighting. I look forward to what more you will bring to this world.
Hell yeah, you’re not done yet! Thank you for fighting. I look forward to what more you will bring to this world.
Excellent. Be sure to find all the Threshold Kids videos.
For sure. Y3 was the first one I played, on the PS3, so going from that to Y0/Kiwami was pretty awesome. I will say that the whole orphanage story side of Y3 is still such a refreshing part of the whole series. I still have a special place in my Kiryu-sized heart for it.
Your instincts about Control... Are correct.
The good thing about the bad (but physically honest) spaceship controls in Outer Wilds is that ineptly but hilariously dying multiple times doesn’t mean anything in the long run. Often it was a new chance to check out something I barely missed accessing on that go around.
This past year I managed to get through Persona 3 and Yakuza 0 before getting side tracked by new releases (Spider Man, Control, Outer Wilds) and new to me releases (AC Odyssey) and some replays (God Of War yet again). This year is going to be all about backlog: I’ll start with Yakuza 5 HD when it comes out in…
Oh, man. I want to try Deadly Premonition again so bad. I’ll have to boot up my PS3 again and probably just start over. It’s my kind of weird, though.
Oh, this is for me. Control was a great, squinty read from across the room. Just started a No Man’s Sky playthrough yet again, and trying to figure out which technology/building piece I’m selecting in their little selection box that’s about an inch square and hard to read even if I’m right up by the screen... yeah. At…
Oh, you.
No buy 2020. I have so many games already. Just Play What I Have (or is on PS4 Plus).
That's definitely my plan!
I’m going to facetiously say Death Stranding which I opened this morning, only because I just started a new game of my favorite walking and inventory management simulator, No Man’s Sky, and can’t just start up DS right now.
I am reminded of a certain Strong Bad email (in the absolute best way) and I sincerely hope you do not have multiple batteries in your mouth.
I’m gonna aim for Happiness In Slavery but probably end up in Wham Bamboo
An award? For me? Well, now I have the foolhardy confidence to try again and again, so I sincerely apologize for my future decisions.
So sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences.
This weekend kicks off the holiday hustle and bustle, with going out to a Christmas play (this year a Jane Austen themed one), tomorrow going listen to hundreds of tubas play carols, Sunday for baking stollen for a work potluck, and lots more baking and Christmas cocktail outings during the week.
Highly accurate.