
I, too, have bewitched sand into food whilst at the stream with fellow human-beings companionates during the brunching hours as is common in our human-beings existence. 

I think bungie should send him a pack of business cards with his name and all his titles on them. 

Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong in The Oldest House. Jesse had better watch her step.

My thoughts exactly--wait a good while and try to forget about it and then do it again. 

Just a stunning ending 

That, the sensory deprivation chamber ps4 bonus mission, Dynamite, Threshold Kids... All my new favorites. 

I’m so excited for you. I just figured out I have one or two more Threshold Kids videos to find, so I’m going to hunt them down. 

Well, crap. Now I have to add GT to my list. 

You know, I haven’t checked for sure. I took my sweet, sweet time with it and did all the side missions and sought out hidden areas and collectibles and soaked up the ambiance... But maybe 30+ hours max. You could certainly beat the main story in much less time.

I just finished Control--and I loved where all the ending missions took me, just fantastic story--so now I’m getting back into No Man’s Sky as a chill time during all the forthcoming holiday time crunch. I’m excited for the latest updates, though when I launched my last save my guy instantly fell from nowhere on to

Outer Wilds is a must play, and so is Obra Dinn, so there are no wrong choices there. 

Control is worth it no matter the specs. 

Awww, damn, but yet, congratulations!

Oh, the save data animations... It would take me forever to clear out old saves because I'd get stuck watching them all in turn. 

I don’t care, that’s a great story.  

Traded in a Genesis to reserve my PS1 at EB, and my earliest gaming memory was staying up on NYE with my friend playing Tekken and Ridge Racer--on that one figured out we could take out the disc once loaded and put in our own CD to change the soundtrack, so we put in RHCP’s One Hot Minute because It would play

I missed ONE side mission in my ng+ playthrough which denied me the very faint pleasure of a platinum trophy, and just thinking about doing the pyramid dungeon again (takes soooo long) just makes me sigh. I love P5 but oh it needs some skip options in ng+. I can replay P4G endlessly but can’t get the same enthusiasm

I agree on The Witness feeling. I would always come back to it with a “Well, what if I tried this?” or “Oh, I should follow that thing and see where it takes me.” Even revisiting places showed new things. And both games reward not rushing things. 

The final DLC piece is apparently titled AWE, which in game means Altered World Event, but there’s some speculation it could also mean “Alan Wake Episode”... Did you find the Alan Wake cells in the panopticon?

Titanfall 2 is a wonderful game and I might even play the campaign again, but I'm gonna hold out for RED BULL x BURGER KING UBERCROSS: IMPOSSIBLE GIVES YOU WINGS THE OFFICIAL BOOTLEG DLC EXPERIENCE