
Really fantastic. I’m taking it slow to savor it. I’m actually looking forward to the dlc. 

Sweet! I’m almost done with Control and I'm waiting for Yakuza 5 HD in February, and jumping back to NMS sounds like a perfect chill winter months bridge. 

I’m going to make a game where all the treasure chests contain screenshots of vintage “Congratulation!” screens that were the ultimate reward for beating Atari/NES/Arcade games from back in the day. 

It’s always best as a rental game. We’re in the post game now, and talk about games as a service... Somebody installed the Plumbing Leak DLC without telling us and while that part was free, uninstalling is going to cost us. 

Realty Quest III: Curse Of The Closing Costs 

Gotcha, makes sense. One Obra Dinn tip that won’t ruin anything but one I wish I knew earlier: don’t try to solve everything in the scenes as you get them, just note whatever you can and then move to the next. Once you have all the scenes you can really start to solve, solve, solve. 

Great plan for Obra Dinn. It’s a great game for that kind of tandem play. Have you played The Witness? That's another great puzzle game you might want notes for. 

I played through Holedown last winter while on an emergency trip back to the Midwest to deal with family stuff. It was the perfect game for being delayed in Moline and unexpectedly running into a previous coworker (from Portland) there. I only wish there was MORE Holedown to play.

Buy buy Shep.

Buy buy Shep.

A blocked intestine? Jeebus. I knew Sajak is full of shit. 

I mean, I’m down with that. I just have to convince the wife that we need to get rid of the current Tupperware tribble infestation and repopulate it with a better system, but household inertia is THING I tell you.

It really is. I’m moving so slowly through it, which I'm really enjoying. Just got down to Containment in Chapter 6. I tend to find a new control point, spend time exploring, then maybe try to do a countermeasure or then an alert pops up so I want to go do that, then explore an old area to see if I missed anything

Yeah, mixing up Chex with Doom, putting that Chex into the mix... Chex... The mix... Mmmm, Chex Mix.  

Oh my goodness, I want to throw out so much of our old food containers since they’re all nearly spilling out of our cupboard now and I can never find a matching lid. It’s chaos in there. That will have to wait, though. I think I’ll try to thin out my old tee shirts and try to sort out some closet and sock drawer

I just beat it last night and the ending was already like being high. I’d love to experience it again while time dilated. 

I honestly don’t know how I’d react to control while high. It might get me too spun up. But I would probably just sit there and listen to the hot line calls for a while.

Oh yeah, those McNugget toys! I remember those in about every toy bin in every church basement or pediatric office or family restaurant growing up. Slightly scuffed, somebody’s initials on them, but cool to look at and sorta fun to play pretend with.

Making some caponata for a potluck this weekend, but I might figure out some sort of pesto dish because I have this urge to chop up a bunch of herbs and caponata doesn’t require too many.

Thank you for this. I don’t think those of us not going through it generally don’t know about the literal moment to moment struggle of getting and staying sober, and this whole piece does a gripping job of conveying that. Sounds like waking up at a new job at Chernobyl, but nobody left you a manual or let you know

Solid work. I might switch 4 and 5, but that’s small (herbed) potatoes.