Can you imagine Kotaku during the Gamergate heyday under G/O? “yOu mUSt StICk tO eTHiCs iN GamEs jOuRnaLiSM”
Gonna go create a custom Gawker Writers Federation in Fire Pro and have them in a battle royale against a bunch of herbs named Jim.
I’ve read a bunch of stuff in the last few days and can’t decide if it’s an urban legend con, bdsm cult for unwell repressed conservatives, or something that will end with bodies found cemented into the foundation. Either way I would like BOTH the Ari Aster and Rob Zombie movie versions.
Goddamnit, burn it down.
Damn the man. Save the Deadspin.
The revolution will not be full of ad buys.
Baseball... Good?
Definitely worth not spoiling the experience. There’s all these little details and moments that make it so crazy that are so worth experiencing on your own.
I recently finished Obra Dinn, and it’s such a treat. I also watched The Lighthouse last night, which I kept thinking looked like Obra Dinn so much at times I kept expecting someone to show up with a magic watch.
It’s just so good. I picked it up after the first couple of patches, and at least on PS4 pro, it plays great and I haven’t run into any issues even in big battles. I, too, would like a spooky station element, but I’m also dipping into Soma again for that and I have Prey in the near future as well.
I’m looking forward to the vaudevillian space labor exploration rpg, Outta Dis Woild
Outer Wilds (not Worlds) since I just Did A Thing in it that gave me other places to find do I can Do Other Things there, which is way cool. The way this game opens up gradually through exploration, giving you another bread crumb each time, and showing you something cool you still need to figure out, it’s just great.…
Don’t you hate it when you think of a way to improve the joke way after you posted it? Anyway, here’s what would be on the poster:
I worry for his wife’s due date.
Game Delay the 13th Part VII: Jason Rides Again
I’d make a joke about this game turning into Dogmeat, but that would be an insult to a very good dog.
This is just like when a mosquito criticizes my diet as I spray deet at it.
Han Solidarity