Seriously. A “check” is different than a “payment”
Seriously. A “check” is different than a “payment”
I agree with all of this, may be semantics but not once did any of them say “we will make sure to send 1,400 checks so the american people will get a total of 2000" they certainly made it appear that 2000 checks would go out and now that he is negotiating and under the GOP they only want to send 1000 checks to even…
Please, don’t keep it all inside..a.tell us how you really feel so that I can agree with more of what you say.
I’m honestly not sure what Democrats are thinking here.
I stopped when Kaepernick was effectively banned by those fucks. And I was like I’ll come back when he does. But after a few weeks I was like even if he comes back I’m still done with this shit.
Who are we kidding? The judges have already released two of them from jail, pending trial and put them on house arrest. Let that sink in, these file fuckers stormed The U.S. Capitol, with help from inside the government, and they are getting home arrest? Gee I wonder why black folks are always so mad? That white trash…
Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.
Those shoes are, by orders of magnitude, nicer than every pair of “grown man shoes” I own, and I wear business attire to work every day. Hopefully he doesn’t give a fuck what the kind of crusty-ass old white people think who would have a problem with him wearing those extremely nice shoes.
Let’s address your cray in reverse order:
While the chaos and the immediacy of the pending disasters are receding, people need to maintain a reasonable level of engagement with our representational democracy. We still have to vote, volunteer and donate. We still have to lobby our various legislators. We still have to pay some attention.
I don’t see how this is so hard for you. If I promise you a $2000 check for over a month and then write it out for only $1400, you’re going to ask me where that missing $600 is.
Please don’t do this dance. That AOC tweet was when Trump pushed back on the stimulus bill saying that $600 wasn’t enough for the people. That’s why AOC noted that she had the legislation already drawn up and ready to go. She was trying to get the people $2,000 then. Biden didn’t say that he was extending this talk.…
They shouldn’t let up until every last one of these crooks and terrorists are found, tried and punished. And if Biden comes In with that “let’s move on shit,” fuck him too.
Now this is the kinda church I can get behind. Good sermons, and no one passed me a damn collection plate.
I knew these terrorist would try for martyrdom for this woman. Under no circumstances is this the same as the many women of color that have died at the hands of LE.
This article is already too generous to her. She was there because she is a seditious racist. She got shot because she was participating in insurgency/terrorism. She is easy to understand, like the rest of the red hats. She was a fascist, she was stupid, she was racist, she was in a cult, and she died as a result of…
Shoot those maga idiots. Shoot them all dead.
Well, at least she’s got her previous career to fall back on. Now where are those dalmatians?...