
And here I am, weeping over our loss in Chadwick and our gain in seeing him and Viola on screen together in what looks like a masterpiece..

So even though politicians are THOROUGHLY known for making campaign promises they never follow through on, the Democrats were like “This is some real shit, and we want to do it right, so let’s work on it after the election”, which sounds like far less than an empty promise, and more like a strong foot in the door, but

I think the big thing is that, objectively, it ISN’T weird, but it FEELS weird, especially since it’s AVOIDABLE. You don’t have to cast people most famous for playing siblings as a married couple, and while you can, it still feels odd when you do. Can’t blame people for getting the heebie jeebies.

something something toxic masculinity something something trolling something something this is a fucking death cult.

Like what even is this?  Like, I like asking trumpers what even is Trumps policies going forward and either it’s some regurgitated bullshit or they really don’t care beyond “owning da libs.”

All this because a black man was elected President. Legally. Twice. Never let white folks live this down

Fuck Torey Lamez

I will never understand the hypocrisy of that is displayed when someone vile gets sick or dies. All of a sudden the narrative has changed? This vile person deserves your sympathy/empathy? 90% of the time (anecdotal) that vile person does not “see the light” or makes a significant change. That person will be just as

As I told my mother last night.  I don’t wish him death because I feel that is wrong but I won’t wish him good health and won’t be sad if he dies.  

Yup, agree 100%. My only interest in keeping Trump alive is purely strategic. MAGA would somehow spin Trump into a martyr even though it wouldn’t make sense. And the Republicans who hesitate voting for Trump will gladly vote for smarmy reptile Pence as president. Plus, I want Trump to witness how many millions of peopl

Co-worker of my wife made a cake for the whole staff when Obama was elected. They (wife and the co-worker) were the only liberals in an all Republican staff up in the red-ass state of Alaska so it was especially fun; apparently, whenever people would come in and grab a bite of the bonus treat and inquire as to the


we dont tolerate the right’s bullshit anymore. it’s been tolerated long enough. it’s time to NOT tolerate you. so fuck off.

I was about 14 when I realized cops are racist as hell. Was behind our apartment building with a long, sharp chisel and my friend and I were carving our names into the bricks of the building, just being stupid kids (I’m white, my childhood friend is black). I guess someone called the cops because we never noticed them

Who is fascists, bootlickers, and white supremacists?, Alex.

“Why would a cop shoot somebody?”

What has the 15 year old done to you to deserve to wish her death? You sound as monstrous as the repugs.

I don’t want him to die because then he’d never see the inside of a federal prison. I wish him a long, humiliating life behind bars, addled for years with painful and disfiguring health complications.

If Biden bites it, it just accelerates the President Harris timeline.

Now that I’ve slept on this, I have mixed feelings. Overall, I’m doing the schadenfreudiest dance I’ve ever fucking done, but I have some thoughts.

Yeah, this better include Native American reparations, too. Otherwise it’s just BS.