Remember when presidents wouldn’t continue to mock and mention their opponents for over three years after they beat them in elections?
Remember when presidents wouldn’t continue to mock and mention their opponents for over three years after they beat them in elections?
The popeyes nearest to my house is always “out”. Red beans and rice? Out. Chicken strips? Out. Those awesome blackberry pies they have in summer? Out. Shrimp? Forever out. Anything other than 2 pieces of dark meat chicken is out. I had to drive 30 mins to get the spicy one and it was SO good.
I usually scroll past the tweets, but that one with the nonsense about Google stealing votes...If (When) Scumbag donnie loses, he’s not going to go quietly. He would gleefully start a civil war to stay in office; he’s been signalling that for more than a year. How many would buy into that narrative, load up the guns,…
Dear Democrats: This is what your civility has earned you. This is what your civility is worth to your opponents. This is what you focus on while in direct positions to make changes. This is why your party is criticized as being ineffective. If you acted with the same kind of urgency on issues that matter that you disp…
These people are insane. I don’t know if he is going to lose because like you said he is their king. He is infallible to them and it’s absolutely terrifying! I had someone tell me that Obama and Clinton were behind the collusion investigation and that the democrats were trying to make the president look racist through…
Nah, Cardi likes progressive politics, and Nicki likes being an apologist for sex offenders.
“The random group of replacement players who would be willing to fill the squad would still beat every other team in the world in any given tournament.”
To me, the role is secondary. It’s about who you’re in conversation with — and who wouldn’t want to be in conversation with these people?
Is there any reason that Jez keeps calling Brandon Thomas Lee simply Brandon Lee? Asking because it just seems weird for this site, of all sites, to do it (and not because it confuses me for a few seconds).
Can The Root please start a section called: The Dumbest Shit You’ll Hear From White People This Week? I mean this may make into the dumbass hall of fame. I mean did these unseasoned, latte drinking, yoga pants wearing, Kid Rock listening MAGA chuds partake in this thinking this was supposed to be a pleasant…
I can tell from this post that you pronounce it “Barthelona.”
It’s not necessary to put the word brother in parenthesis in this context.
Clinton should have resigned over a sexual indiscretion? Are you insane? Imagine the shit Trump has pulled, Bush has pulled, hell, even Obama has pulled to betray the American people and spend trillions of tax dollars and waste hundreds of thousands of lives...and you want Clinton to resign for some skootch? This is…
Her last album was soooo good, like one of her best. And radio did not play it.
All the stars for “vanilla isis”!! That is truly one of the best😂
The assholes who are blaming video games for Vanilla Isis can go fuck themselves with a rusty chainsaw. Those were two different grown ass men who wanted to lash out at non-White people because they feel entitled to everything and they’re terrified by their irrelevance.
Happy for him, but I’m not gonna act like “Old Town Road” is superior to “One Sweet Day”.