
My favorite Tweet of the year has a similar flavour:

Reminds me of my new favorite thing!

“People apparently think I have a hostile face,” she says. “People mistake me for Annalise Keating and Amanda Waller, so I have to smile. I have to overly smile. I have to smile as if I’m doing a Colgate commercial smile.”

Since when does Rolling Stone feature black stars? All I see are white faces on the covers.

I loooooooooooooooooove that movie so much.

“For so many years, nobody knew who the [f–k] she was”

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

I just...the subject was curly hair, and she was trying to prove she has naturally curly hair. She could have used the same damn picture, and just said, “Here is a picture of me in 1971, dressed as a person in 1971, and as you can see, my hair is curly,” and I never even would have been the wiser. Why did she need to

If the timing is correct, that would date this photo around 1971. I can’t really get too bothered at this blackface-lite costume because it was 1971 and people didn’t even know what microaggressions were. I’m more flabbergasted by her willingness to pull this photo out and proudly show the world as if it’s totally

Holy lord as a 34-year-old back on the scene after a marriage I’ve seen it all. I’ve been doing it two months. Most of the guys contacting me have been hot and 21-24, but basically just offering to come over and service me sexually and that’s not my scene. I was thisclose to deleting my account and I was so over it I

I think it stems from the fact that many other African/Africanized populations in the Americas and Europe don’t want to be associated with American blackness. This is, in large part, due to the negative images we’re constantly bombarded with on TV, in print, etc. Imagine a child in the countryside of a black-majority

okay CEO of the Patone of Blackness we’ll be sure to update our files.

Vincent Kapoor has me so upset

if you’re going to cast someone who doesn’t look like the real life person just own it. It’s insulting and it looks awful and no one is going to give you a free pass for “trying”.

I think what grinds my gears is being a DV victims advocate and that part of his story includes growing up around DV. Alot of focus in DV is the children so they grow up to be empathetic beings, not bullys, abusers, or people who make fun of the disabled.

Terrible story! And tbh I’m not a fan, but this interview is great. Too bad people are complicated/shitty/still right sometimes. Sorry you had that experience.

I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect socioeconomics is a big factor. I run marathons, which of course are famously dominated by Kenyans. A big factor in that is that in Kenya, running is one of the few ways for a lot of poor young men to do well socially and financially, so a lot more of them try it, they train

You don't want to be black. You want to check 'black' on a form when and only when it would be convenient for you.

Did you know that Whites still get a majority of the scholarships? Also people can qualify for scholars solely on major, gender, religion, first-generation etc. Also their are scholarships for white ethnicities (ex. Irish). Also what "free college education" do you speak of for being Black? I never heard of that.

Surya Bonaly was who I watched as a little girl that made me want to skate. Dominique Dawes was who I looked at when I wanted to do gymnastics. While my sister and I didn't do gymnastics, we did skate and going to lessons every week and being the only black children was hard. While the children might not have been so