
Billy picks Barca

This should have been a non-issue. Hardy would be serving a ten year prison sentence if the justice system wasn’t completely fucked.

Pretty much every good passing offense in the NFL employs pick plays these days, they’re hardly unique to the Patriots offense. Much like how the 2013 Seahawks led to “increased emphasis” on defensive holding penalties the following season, I wouldn’t be surprised if the NFL did something similar next season with

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you don’t say that, you’ll just be called a homer and they’ll assume you’re a fan anyway. Meh.

Am I the only one who thinks it’s odd that the Patriots seem to be the only team in these stories that know the rules? Shouldn’t the other teams know who is responsible for maintaining the refs’ batteries seeing as they host at least 8 home games a year? Anyway, nice click bait.

the grantland writers seem like genuinely good people, they likely wouldn’t to associate with the folks over here

Sort of like how every Greg Howard article is “Blah blah blah, Ta-Nehisi Coates, blah blah blah, something that has nothing to do with sports is racist, blah blah blah, here’s 4,000 words about a writer infintely more famous and relevant than I am”

Simmons can be annoying but come ON, this article is a hit piece. ESPN has been hemorrhaging money. They’re axeing hundreds of employees. You think those editors didn’t know that the vanity site was going down first? It’s rich that Deadspin is helping push the blame for this to Simmons. This is the company where

Pretty amazing that people are blaming Simmons when it’s ESPN that fired him and ESPN that shutdown Grantland.

Pretend for a moment that I am clueless and doddering. Is her third camp Miller, the writers, or the military-industrial complex?

Holly typed a lot without saying a damn thing of significance.

I think the anonymous source is bullshit lies meant to spin this back on Simmons.

“Daddy’ll be calling you any sec,” and then Greg’s reporting here and it all makes more sense.

I also think there’s some sour grapes (see: Holly Anderson’s twitter feed) on the part of Grantlanders who Simmons didn’t try to hire away...

“He put his beef with Skipper above the jobs of dozens of people,” one Grantland staffer said.”

I don’t understand Holly’s viewpoint. Did she really think ESPN would keep Grantland around long-term were Simmons not talking to Miller, or hiring away editors? That is straight-up delusional... The writing was on the wall for Grantland when Simmons was canned.

Maybe her time would be better spent updating that resume rather than being a lame little twitter bitch.

If you don’t want to get blindsided, have your editors under contract. Can’t leave them with no job security and cry when they find job security elsewhere.

Feels more like a PR battle between Simmons and ESPN. ESPN is getting torched on social media for closing Grantland so they are likely leaking out stories that it was really Simmons fault for which is ridiculous.

At-will employment works both ways. Not sure how they can blame the editors for the “coordinated exits”. If losing 4 editors at the same time had such a negative impact on the site, you’d think they would be smart enough to put them under contract and not leave themselves open to the risk.