
Quality shouldn't impact sales too much. Don't forget, Empire made the least out of all the Star Wars films

I was kinda flabbergasted when Paul released Stereo and Mono because, honestly I wasn't sure he had it in him. He still wrote good songs but he hadn't really had a consistently good album since the 'Mats and, here, he released two, not just at the same time but together.

Here is my naive belief about The Last Starfighter. That you could re-release the original film and just redo the effects shots with modern CGI. No other changes.

Which Oscar did you think he got screwed out of the worst? He was up against some tough competition. While I think it's staggering that he didn't get the award for Lawrence, Peck's win was at least respectable.

I watched this when it came out and it was pretty important. I was at the right age for it and I never even knew about child molesters. It really wasn't talked about in the media like it is now and people were far more trusting. I know I was. Kids were told that if you have a problem, any problem, you try to find an

Personally, I hated The Dark Backward. I thought it was loud, desperately unfunny and, I dunno, pretentious? Or, at least, in the sense that it tries to heap bowls and bowls of weird in place of wit, insight or actual creativity. It felt like somebody saw a David Lynch film and didn't get it but was determined to do


I can't answer for Teti but I think that iOS (and to a lesser degree, the other mobile phone platforms) is an amazing mobile platform because it is so versatile (every genre from action to RPG to word games to adventure games to just plain unique games), so deep (there are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of games)

I didn't like the twist and I can see how people could hate the twist, but I don't understand people who otherwise shit on Book of Eli. It is frankly one of the most enjoyable post-apocalyptic movie I have seen in a while with some surprisingly good Hughes Brothers direction. I have a million guilty pleasures (hello,

I can see the seeds of the modern, crazy Miller in his classic work but he wasn't there yet. I think that was one of the problems that people had with "Dark Knight Strikes Again" It was not the same Miller that wrote "Dark Knight Returns" and "Batman: Year One" Different targets, different tone.

@avclub-e053e4f47a7ccbc51be254596e483d7c:disqus - I agree with what the core of what you are saying. I was too old when I read it. If I was younger, I could identify with Ender and I would be prone to hold the book dearer than I did.

I thought it was fine. Really good even. A good sci-fi story, well told, with some clever twists.

Hey, don't blame us! Blame Brooklyn. That is where that shit took off.

Well she didn't see Masters so she only knows him as the chef of a restaurant in Athens, GA.

"Jump Around" is weak sauce partially because it is a song that is often used already in baseball games to pump up the crowd. It is like entering to the 'Charge' song.

My favorite of all time was Robb Nen walking in to "Smoke on the Water"