
Again, only just now reading this thread; but this is the best summation of the not-connected case which I’ve read as well. I wish there was a way to bump these up to top.

I’m only just now reading this, but this is the best making of the point of connection that I’ve read.

I’d laugh at that comment. If it didn’t make me want to cry.

Point. Set. Match. :)

I never thought of it, but me too actually. Normally, I’d wait for the crowds to subside; but now I gotta watch the film before the next episode. You’ve made a good point.

And I guess it didn’t occur to the film people either, sadly.

I don’t know about anyone else, but after CA:TWS dropped, the first 12 episodes made a lot more sense to me, and I’m pretty forgiving about them in hindsight, seeing what breadcrumbs they left. I actually didn’t mind them when they were new; but appreciate them more looking back.

Patton Oswalt’s wife passed away very recently. I think we gotta give them a pass on his absence, under the circumstances.

Only HYDRA and the US government which actually seems to be doing a good job of keeping a secret. Although it boggles the brain that Tony hasn’t figured that out by now...