
*slow clap

This just confirms that the Dallas Cowboys are indeed God’s team.

Sooo.... cops are human??

Did somebody say, Marijuana??

Being a resident of Dallas, I can’t wait for the new stadium they’re building in Arlington. Should’ve had a roof on the one they built in 94 too.

But piece of shit Britt McHenry still has her job??? How??

This guy is 28? He sounds like his balls haven’t even dropped yet both literally and figuratively.

So is there a YouTube video of someone experimenting with this scenario aka how much bud can I eat in a certain amount of time. LA Beast maybe?

Why would someone give this post a star?

I freakin LOVE my 01 Toyota Solara v6.. it still runs like it’s brand new. I doubt I’d be in the same boat had I gotten a Cadillac something or other.

Preeeeetty sure she was referring to her gender as a minority, and not her race here.  

Man what is up with this turd and exclamation marks? As if it’s supposed to bring a certain credence or righteousness to his inflammatory rhetoric. douche



I still would rather do all this NSFW stuff in real life.

Why wouldn’t you??

And now I have something in my eye.....

As a fan of my Texas Rangers, I have to say that you sir, are doing God’s work.

See how far money can take you?.. This waste of human space is in the middle of our presidential election and hobnobbing with world leaders. He is no better than the common man in fact he’s much worse. Yet, because of his wealth, much of which is inherited btw, he’s where he is today. Wow.

How do people like this even make it to office?? Shouldn’t he be holding a KKK meeting out in the styx or some shit?