
I've seen her Tiny Desk concert on YouTube, she seems to be in her own mind when performing. I think that's neat

Hey thanks, it's greatly appreciated. Sorry if I was a dick too.

Why exactly are you talking to me?

Did you just look for more things I said you disagree with? Why exactly are you talking to me?

Because I disagreed with you on a public forum and because you keep replying to me

Also why do you keep insulting me in every comment? Are you twelve?

"I never said that. Using your phone in shows and films is a fucking dick move " please read what I wrote

That's… what you did…

Look if you act like a stereotypical insufferable self-entitled internet jerk don't expect people to treat you nicely

I didn't pick today, you replied today. Re: random stranger hostility—you have been doing so this entire discussion. That's the reason. You clearly lack a substantial amount of self-awareness

I didn't "pick up" any fights, I was responding to you and you replied back. Not sure what makes me a creep but alright

There are many ways to call people off without being a gigantic asshole. Case in point: the video on this fucking article

I never said that. Using your phone in shows and films is a fucking dick move but I don't think public humiliation is the wat to go, pretty sure that makes YOU the "sociopath".

It's a bunch of light hitting your eye dude how is that not annoying

How do you know she's "over it"? I know that if I was humiliated in front of hundreds of people I wouldn't be " over it" for years

is this a standup-specific unspoken rule I was unaware of?

Its developers went on to become AV Club commenters

I don't play much games nowadays but Banjo-Tooie is incredible (I didn't play much of Kazooie because I was too little)

Yeah! For me, every second of Her was spent looking for any hints of Freddie Quell on him, none to be found

I was waiting for the embedded flash video to load