
I completely forgot about CGI Cushing until 2 seconds of thinking "something seems terribly off with that actor… oh yeah, CGI". I'm not claiming to be particularly good with faces, I can barely tell half the characters apart, but I found that CGI to be really obvious.

Cassian shooting his contact was a great introduction… if we knew who he was.

I can't speak to the classic Doctor but there haven't been primary male companions with the new one. Guys like Rory and Mickey were there mainly as romantic interests for the female companion. The primary relationship has always been the Doctor and the female companion. When there is a male companion he's generally

Well you have to brutally rape and murder a few eggs to make an omelette.

Well yeah, but I mean who hasn't?

Huh, I guess those things kind of slipped my mind.

I think that might have been intentional.

The thing is that Melisandre is the only one of the power players actually acting on the White Walker threat. Without the support of Jon Snow and the lone of ships the Free Folk might be wiped out entirely. In fact she her main motivation for putting Stanis on the throne seems to be stopping the White Walkers

I'm not sure Meryn is the only part of the test, I feel like we are a bit vague on why the insurance seller should die, it seems like a bit of a test on Jaqen's part to see if she'll kill someone because she was told.

Jamie has terrible taste in women but otherwise he's one of the good guys.

First he was a Greyjoy, then he was a Stark, then he was a Greyjoy again, then he was Reek, now he's going to be Reek pretending to be a Greyjoy…

I'm not sure what there is to explain. Even when GoT has an 'off night' it's still a beautiful and engaging show.

For all the talk of setting a trap for Hannibal what's Hannibal's new game going to be?

That's an interesting thought. My impression was that Hannibal simply realized shooting the social worker might draw too much attention, or that killing the Hannibal proxy might make Will the wrong kind of killer.

Yeah, Fuller has a bad habit of dropping unnecessary spoilers into his own interviews.

I don't think the original motivation is an issue for Metatron, after thousands of years in the shadow he realized he had a way to become god, and he pulled it off. Now I think motivation is his issue, Metatron has won, he is god, so now what does he do next? He decides to make it an interesting story, to build up

Ok, you need to think of a nickname for Cain Dean that doesn't make me think of Dean Cain.

Starks is 4 (5)

Yeah, just like Tryion does nothing, he just talks and gives some orders.

My theory is that there's an actual elite SHIELD team following them around and fixing all their mistakes, ie pulling the 2 guards out of the compound before it exploded and reviving them at a second compound, distracting Sif on the plane so Coulson was able to get back on unobserved, etc.