
Yeah, I remember in the old days how difficult it was to pull off those multiple whip combos and earn experience points for expensive moves. the puzzles were so difficult to figure out back in the day. Plus climbing up those titans and using quick time events on the NES was a bitch, but the cut-scenes and involving

I notice he still has the combat cross, and not the vampire killer. Yes I know they work that into LoS too, but the VK was a real whip. The Cross is a retractable chain... not even a morning star.

I first wrote to them asking if they'd consider making a Zelda for Gameboy... that shows you how old that letter was. Oh... their reply was standard, "Nintendo current has no plans...". In retrospect, I should have asked them not to make any Zeldas for handhelds... ever!!!

Iga's excuse for not making an original CV game that looked this good was cost, and I believe him... however they've made some gorgeous kick ass side scrollers on minimal budgets before. Way Forward made one of the best Contra games ever in Contra 4... why not give them the keys to Castlevania for the games we're

If M & S teamed up... Nintendo's non-portable console business would dry up like an old hooker in the Sahara desert. But the WiiU could actually make due with it's promises provided that they don't fuck up the online situation.

The more flamboyant that ninjas are represented in video games, the more they would fail in real life... not hating, just saying.

Don't get me wrong I dislike the new prequels, but there is justification for many of it's nuances... however irrational. There is still no excuse for Jar Jar though.

I'm not so sure about that because the trailer for the game 10 years ago looks a shitton better than what we got.

Brilliant! All he's missing from this is the Mother trilogy... and about 50-100 Virtual Console games! lol

Squenix is Doomed!

The only smells thatv really bother me are those that haven't bathed in... years. Those whom you can smell 10 feet before and after they walk in your direction, you know what I'm talking about! people who haven't used soap on their undercarriage since Transformers was still a cool old cartoon show.

Might have been interesting, but replacing King Koopa with Dennis Hopper was their first mistake. Had the movie been successful in any iteration, the movie business would be bogged down with video game adaptions, (instead of comic book adaptions, which considering the source material we're better off).

That doesn't explain how James Cameron gets on Ubisoft's stage and bores people to death so that they all go see Avatar in theaters just to shut him up.

I thought she'd expand by now, she's been in the band ten years and while the music has evolved, her vocal style hasn't. It suits the music, but also stagnates it. Not that In Flames is doing much better, but at least the vocals are trying to be in key like on the old Metallica albums.

Wow, that's very homoerotic.

Yeah, too many Kesha fans on here who get all scared when music actually makes them think.

Melodic Death Metal, not bad but nothing new. The higher end screaming is too emo for me anyway. I prefer Dark Tranquillity and Arch Enemy and classic At the Gates.

All 3 Castlevanias, that is all you need... well I guess there are 4 if you count the NES classic GBA version of the original game.

Wind Waker was not excellent. It was tedious, boring, ugly and derivative. the last Zelda to really show any true innovation was Ocarina of Time, and even then all it did was translate A Link to the Past into 3D.

Hey snob, not everyone in the world owns a HD TV. Grow up.