I'm asking for evolution, not a "sequel" with a few tweaks.
I'm asking for evolution, not a "sequel" with a few tweaks.
Why do Japanese commercials and promos insist on splooging all over your face instead of just showing you the features of the product?
Yeah, and when was the last time he created a great game? 30 some odd years ago? Not to mention it was outclassed by a Mod that everntually became Ms. Pac-man (which most classic gamer's prefer).
Maybe this is because they didn't show enough of the WiiU, but seriously? The Vita? It's just a PSP with prettier graphics and another analog stick. It's compeditively priced with teh 3DS, but the 3DS isn't really doing all that well either, and even gamers are tightening their belts these days. Drawing a line in…
Hard Corps Uprising, even without the title is in fact a great Contra game... one of the best! Contra fans would regret not getting this one being half price!
I hate J-pop and Idols, but Mari yaguchi is a person whom I respect. Shame they give her the shaft like this. She needs to be making movies in America, not wasting her talent on mindless J-variety shows. Yes I know that she'd seem even shorter in American movies, but we over here we have more consideration for that…
No, from all accounts Xenoblade sucks ass, and it's worse than the Xenosaga trilogy. The JRPG craze is over, grow up!
Okay Japan, you really need to stop with the ridiculous hair styles. They're making laugh too hard so seriously, stop it! lol
Shenmue 3 is canceled... permanently! Get over it, the first 2 games sucked anyway!
Which one became the porn star and which one was created in photoshop?
Shit game for shitty music... perfect!!!
Yeah, this is definitely a painful game to digest.
That's the most ignorant comment that I've read in a long time. The very first scene is an action scene that has nothing to do with taking pictures. If you really want to compare this game to another Nintendo game on the N64, try Ocarina of Time! Yes, BG&E plays a lot like Zelda (only far more interesting with unique…
No reboots, Fatal Frame 1,2 and 4 are fine games as they are. It wouldn't matter anyway because Nintendo or Tecmo or both decided that FF doesn't sell well enough to justify a western release.
No. They have done too much with him. Everything that you need to know about Pyramid Head is in Silent Hill 2. If that's not enough for you then you weren't paying attention (or interested) in the story SH2 was trying to tell.
I'm glad they aren't putting Pyramid Head or Nurses in the game as both were a manifestation of James Sutherland's mind and have no reason to exist elsewhere. I mean that's the whole point of the game is that the monsters are reflections of the what's going on with the character. But Silent Hill 2 is not the end all…
Good news, but... what specific games are we talking about here?
Half-Life is never going to end. They can't even finish the 2nd game's 3rd part... or whatever the hell insane numbering system that they're using.