You know what makes sense? When you punch a dude with a giant robot, he explodes. That makes pretty fuckin good sense to me.
You know what makes sense? When you punch a dude with a giant robot, he explodes. That makes pretty fuckin good sense to me.
I absolutely love Titanfall AND I still found this video funny. Titanfall really doesn't make any sense but imo its fun as hell.
Okay? Now Google Halo: Nightfall, because unless details have changed, and a cursory search indicates that they have not, it has up until this point, and continues to be referred to as a feature — a single film with a running time of over 40 minutes. Not episodes, installments, sections, or parts.
CoD, AC, and Evolve are cross platform, but aren't all 3 getting exclusive content? Definitely poorly worded, but also partially true.
If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.
I prefer a company that learns from lots of mistakes than a company that refuses to learn from a few.
I'm sure there won't be ANY confusion at retailers between Battleborn and Bloodborne.
Totally agreed. I was watching Blade Runner on blu-ray the other day on the Xbox One. There's that one scene where Harrison Ford is trying to investigate some picture with his TV/computer saying things like "enhance... enhance...". THAT'S where we're at and that's why it's awesome!
The XB1 Kinect gets a bad rap. It's actually really awesome tech and I'm glad I have it.
Thanks for the recap Chris, this will be easier to send to people then trying to explain whats going on.
It's a Spartan Scout armor, the same that Commander Sarah Palmer wears. would appear as though I'm the one with the popular support...
A weird fixation because you simply can't seem to remember what you just wrote three posts previously...and because you keep replying with this obvious arrogance, hiding behind verbosity when your hyperbolic statements are challenged., they wouldn't have. The Xbox One's initial DRM left room for used physical media, and, being more liberal than Steam's, allowed you to gift a digital copy when you were done. It was more complex than just handing a disc over, but not nearly as bad as your biased views are portraying it.
Only in an article critical of Sony could I come to find comments being more critical of MSFT...
My favorite conspiracy theory that came out of this was this game was cancelled because developers are starting to drop support for Xbox One because it's dead.
He was said to have been a horrible kid. And was that story about the dogs true? I wouldn't throw it past him. And why isn't this on a sister site, trending on related blogs, but here on Kotaku? There should be no aspect of his life, written or otherwise highlighting anything other than what a monster he is becoming.…
Really sad to see kids in North Korea are indoctrinated in their government's extreme dogma so early in their livelihoods. It looks like training begun for him not so long after birth.
I enjoy the odd poke at this idiot as much as the next guy. And yeah, it's funny to see him when he was a little cunt. But, I feel that the eye roll and shrug of "oh, North Korea" is really starting to numb people to how much of a monster he is.