They work very well - really responsive and lag-free.
They work very well - really responsive and lag-free.
I must be in the minority, but I am completely comfortable talking to my Xbox to give it commands. I've used it since launch, and I continue to do so. More than that, I enjoy it - it really does feel like I'm in the future.
There's no switch. Lewis just feels sorry for Nico, and keeps handing him wins. It's a habit he needs to get out of.
Why do people love Doctor Who so much? Especially American sci-fi fans, they seem to go especially crazy for it. I'm British and absolutely cannot stand it, and I normally love a good sci-fi.
You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. However, I feel compelled to tell you that your opinion is wrong.
You want to check out the interactive video of the Mercedes W05 for something sort of similar - but way cooler.
While incredibly impressive, I'd argue that I was probably almost as good at PGR2 back in the day. Them cone challenges - man I was shit hot.
Stupid criminals are a lot less dangerous than smart, obsessive ones.
Could be worse. Could be 1080i.
I'm nodding in solumn agreement.
That's why all post-Columbia missions that were not in the vacinity of the relatively safe haven of the ISS (for example, Hubble repair) had another shuttle on the pad, ready to go.
If I was going to buy multiplats only, then I would definitely have bought a PS4. But I'm not, so I didn't.
Come on, Gabe. You've got all the money in the world. Buy yourself a home gym so you're around long enough to see HL3 get released. And get a razor, while you're at it.
lol, nice.
I know that for movies like Ghostbusters you really need to suspend reality, but how the hell would a walking Statue of Liberty have motivated and raised the morale of the citizens of Manhattan? Rather than, you know, freaking the living shit out of them.
I think it's less to do with finding Family Guy offensive, and more to do with people just not finding Family Guy that funny.
"Haaawwwt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt."
South Park is a hell of a lot smarter than realised by a) not-so-smart people, and b) people who don't watch it.
The Daily Show? Stupid?
South Park isn't racist, it makes a mockery of racism. It highlights the ridiculousness of all the stereotypes it portrays.