
Speaking from experience, when you're overseas in a combat zone and you're single, one of the few things that keeps you going is the thought that there's one or more lady friends back home who would like to see you when you get back.  Then you get home and find out they've all graduated college and and gotten engaged

I seem to recall her being a rather critically lauded R&B artist at one point, talked about in similar terms as the Fugees.  Of course I was very young and hadn't started paying attention to R&B yet, so I may have dreamed that.  Anyway, what happened?

Little hyped?  We must be watching different stations.

Goddam after I kept scrolling down and scrolling down and scrolling down and the article still hadn't ended I went back up and checked the byline.  Should've known.

Ugh, The Mission.  Rented it about 15 years ago because it looked interesting and De Niro hadn't gone completely off the rails yet.  I'm still pissed off about it.  My memory's faded somewhat, but I just remember it having all the subtlety of a rhinoceros in heat and the acting was uniformly terrible.  Although, if

Don't remember a thing about it, but 12-year-old me probably watched it for the title alone.

Anyone ever eat those Andy Capp fries that only seem to be sold in the crummier gas stations?  And are never as good as they seem like they should be?  They're like eating glass.


Loved the tv series as a kid.  Also, is it just me or do Saturday Morning Cartoons not exist anymore?  Also, does anyone remember Cadillacs and Dinosaurs?

+1 square one reference.

+1 tinky reference

Yeah it was less good than MM2.  Oh well.

Question unrelated to these episodes:  Does anyone know if the episodes available for streaming are the edited for syndication versions or the full versions?  There are several episodes in the later years where a particular scene that I remember vividly from the original airing is missing.  Example:  Episode where

Not to mention that sitcoms were 2-3 minutes longer back then and audiences had slightly longer attention spans.  When you only had three networks to worry about and no internet and smartphones, you didn't have so much competing for audience attention.

Woody's wedding is the gold standard to which all sitcom wacky wedding episodes should strive to meet.  I've seen it several times and still lose my shit every single time.

To each his own.  When Rebecca first was introduced as a ball busting ice queen she was a little intolerable, but they quickly started making excellent use of Kirstie Alley's excellent physical comedy chops, and I loved her as a wannabe social climber fuckup.

Agreed.  I started watching (read: was allowed to watch) this show during the Rebecca years, so those episodes will always have a special place in my heart and have always felt like the "real" Cheers.  However, watching the entire series has really made me appreciate the entire series.  Yes, they're two entirely

Ditto.  I watched every Cheers episode over a period a few weeks at the beginning of the year and I'm kind of glad I watched them in a vacuum because many of the things listed as criticisms of particular episodes either didn't bother me or went completely unnoticed.  I don't realize that I'm *supposed* to have a

You're never going to finish that quilt, Lemon.

Mushroom Madness 2 nearly wrecked my finals last spring.  Thanks for almost ensuring the same thing this semester.