
Should of told him fuck outta here with that shit. My sister does this and she was tiny as fuck making grown ass men stutter.

No you need to learn the “fuck outta here with that shit” statement. Throws most men for a loop. Seen my sister do it a shit ton of times I find it hilarious. Also save it for the serious cat callers doing it to someone who thinks they are just being polite can come off a little strong and rude, but if that's your

I once called a local hip hop radio station morning show because of this. The two male host were saying “dress like a “thot”(ho) get treated like a thot” . The female host was like no that’s wrong. So they decided to open the phone lines to see what the people think. Both men and women agreed that this mindset was

Dammit i didn't mean to copy you. I've said the same thing before to argue this mindset.

Not only saying you look like a slut but then upping the ante and actual groping or sexually harassing that person.

Like I said in a earlier comment. If I like to dress as my favorite rapper from the wu tang clan would it be ok to be harassed by police, obviously not so why is ok to apply this to women.

“dress how you want to be addressed “ does this mean when I see someone wearing XXL white tee and pants saggin to their ass crack it’s ok for me to address them as a hardcore criminal.

lol it's funny that you say that. Growing up in NC my ethnicity seems to be ambiguous. People sometimes think I'm black,mixed or Hispanic. ( I'm actually a black Latino). So sometimes I would hear people say foul shit about blacks because they thought I was mexican(in NC if Mexican=Hispanic) then hear them say foul

Seriously. He will need to sleep in one of those hyperbolic chambers Kobe Bryant use to recover his shitty knees. His presidency was tough as nails.

According to SJW that's prejudice. I hate how we changed the definition of a word to mean something politically correct.

And you totally are. My fiercest arguments with male friends have been over Ben roethlisberger and Bill Cosby. Many Guys think women are money grubbing gold diggers who want to take our hard earned money by any means necessary. It's pretty pathetic shit.

Like trump

Me too! All because my definition of racism is as followed

Reverse the races and see the outrage start.

Oh shit shots fired

Lol no one deserves to take the blame of something they didn't do. Quit with the white guilt I don't blame you for what your ancestors did to my ancestors.

Just ask linebacker holtzclaw victims

I think another commentator told me the definition so yeah I used the phrase wrong. Furthermore if i was the one being cheated on I would rather have my partner just break up with me without telling they cheated on me. Call me a coward but you already breaking up with me don't devastate me also. And btw your right we

You seem like the type to do revenge porn huh?

Look you self righteous peice of shit if you can’t handle a debate or a normal conversation without calling names then you are acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I’m not saying cheating isn’t a big deal of course it is. If my SO cheated on me and I found out or she confessed our relationship is over. But let’s