
i’m an asian man in florida. i live 5 minutes from the staduim. i wonder, based on that difficult information, how you will judge me. also if you were going by geography, you know south florida always goes democrat right? miami is in south florida by the way.

Not saying there are never any fights, just that it’s not so common (in my experience) that you should be scared to take your kids to a game.

I took my 6 and 7 year old kids to a game two Sundays ago, with no issues. It wasn’t their first game either... but then there don’t tend to be a lot of fights in the stands at CenturyLink.

I can appreciate that, but as so many others have said it’s the third and final move in a situation where you’re at a tremendous disadvantage..... If I have only two remaining options during an active shooter situation- stay put and die along with all the other people I’m with at the moment or try to fight the

Many people here live behind a keyboard and not in the real world. So don’t be surprised that logic isn’t their strong point.

Fighting is the last option. If people have issues with that, then they can sit on the floor and get shot. It’s a very clear heirarchy. RUN. If you cannot, HIDE. If that doesn’t work, FIGHT. C’mon people, get it together. Sometimes you have to fight.

I’m amazed so many people are getting bent out of shape about the fight part. It’s like they think you run for 10 minutes, hide for another 10 and then go seek out the gunman/woman and fight them. WTF?

Well, in some circles, yes...

You see Trump won?

And this is why I carry. Yes I know it’s on a College Campus, which usually prohibits concealed carry firearms, but nonetheless having your firearm close and being trained with it could at least aid in the protection of yourself and others. Also, not saying the answer to gun violence is in fact more gun violence. But

Retribution for Flint. Here’s some lead poisoning for you.

Yes, I provided a retort on par with your shortsightedness. It was intentional.

Ted Kennedy’s car has killed more people than the average “gun nut”.

I think the thought behind this strategy is that shooters on campus are looking to kill as many people as possible, vs. a mugger who is looking for money. If someone’s sole goal is to kill people and running and hiding aren’t options, you fight. Because either way you’re probably dead.

Run, Hide, Fight is the 21st century version of Stop, Drop, and Roll.

Trump won’t be nearly as good of a firearm salesman that Obama has been.

This is a rather harsh reaction for a Michigan fan to take.

Nope, just curl up in a ball and let them shoot you.

If you can’t run, and you can’t hide, you have no other recourse. Historically, there are no hostages in these situations.