Truth is stranger than fiction. Mrs. Camel Toe would make a great recurring character on Saturday Night Live.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Mrs. Camel Toe would make a great recurring character on Saturday Night Live.
No, see. I was referring to their father.
Count me among the clueless white people who didn't know about this. The first time I heard that term was in Lean On Me, when Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) used it to refer to himself as bad-ass principal of the school. He said it, stalked out of the room, and when one of the staff whispered to the VP, "HNIC?" She…
Unfortunately, I think it is White privilege that made it possible for me to not know any of this. Not a single person has ever said a word to me, so I don't think the HBIC is being taken as a racist proclamation by the people I hand the card to. I ordered 500 of 'em, so now I'll just have to hope for the best. And…
Ah. Well, I don't mean to suggest that you did it on purpose, but I think that is unfortunately the history of the term...
The more I think about this the funnier/worse it is. I get the attempt to be a bad-ass, takes-no-shit Head Bitch in Charge, but it's actually a straight reflect/appropriation of the centuries-old "Head Nigger in Charge."
Which, in the plantation setting referred to the kind of Uncle Tom character that Samuel L.…
I was never aware that I had permanent "bitchface" until:
I think the real message should be to be nice but assertive. I am a champion movie shusher. I spent years literally turning around in my seat and telling people to shut up quite directly and rudely. And guess what? They often kept on talking, or at least shot me shitty looks or — in one case — threw a napkin in my…
I hate it when women refer to themselves as a "bitch" (and not in the funny "hey, bitches!" way). A bitch is not something you want to be. A bitch is mean. Why would you want to be mean? Being assertive doesn't mean you have to be a bitch. If you're assertive, that's being assertive. Adding the bitch tagline just…
As a young female attorney I can tell you unequivocally that there is a is an extremely serious problem with sexism in this profession. Aside from the fact that this man's behavior flouted ethical requirements, this attorney exploited someone in a vulnerable position for physical and financial gain. Sadly, many men…
For the one person out there who cares:
State by state, the rules for having sex with a client differ.
I would like to preempt the inevitable wave of MRA anecdata and sexual moralizing with the following:
You're right. It's really fucked up to video tape someone at a gym (even if their gym performance is a hopeless cry for attention).
So now I'm supposed to get outraged about a picture some random guy posts on his personal facebook? A picture he took with his friends, just for fun, to mimic a movie poster? Why on earth would I care? This is beyond being a non-issue. How about more coverage of the jailed Pussy Riot member, instead? Or, you know,…