
This — I don’t understand, when these nominees give disqualifying answers like “We might need guns in schools because grizzly bears,” the questioning senator doesn’t follow up incessantly and eventually say out loud that that’s a disqualifying opinion.

Guns in schools will at least free me from the Bear Tax. I trust Trump will take care of the Homer Tax too.

You know she fully believes that Sandy Hook never ACTUALLY happened.

“My heart bleeds..”
“Would you say it bleeds more or less than the hearts of the 20 children that were murdered at a school in my state?”

I honestly don’t get America. I come from India and am now a Canadian citizen and even in India Trump would have been stopped long before it got to this. But it seems America’s good people are too concerned about decorum than stopping this flaming train-wreck first. I’m astonished it’s come to this. I feel sorry for

So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified

It has come to this. Our government is more absurd than a 20 year old Simpson’s episode. Fuck me.

The look of disgust on Senator Murphys face is magnificent.

As someone who lives in Michigan I just want to assure all those in the education community that, as bad as your worst fears about Betsy DeVos and her becoming the Secretary of Education may be, I can say with complete confidence the reality is that it’s going to be much, much worse.

There is such a severe disconnect between perception and reality amongst a certain set of the United States and pieces like this make me feel almost hopeless. Others have mentioned that many members of the American middle- and lower-classes view themselves as “temporarily displaced millionaires.” It’s such a

That’s how the rich solve problems.

The wealthiest American control 99% of this country’s assets.

I think you misunderstood Trump. An “elite” is anyone who reads fucking nerd-ass books and talks about things in regards to nuance. If you’re a billionaire, who thinks the key to defeating ISIS is whipping out your schlonger and dipping bullets in pig’s blood, you’re not an “elite” your a common man American fucking

It’s not just a logo like Ford or Coca-Cola. The symbol has been agreed on by countries around the world for over 150 years as the symbol for medical and humanitarian groups in areas of armed conflict. Violence against a person, vehicle, or place with that symbol is a war crime.

“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert

The guy’s a pro-Trump trolly. No way he ever donated to any actual charity, ever.

Well that’s a disturbing set of priorities. But hey, a minor inconveniencein a video game because an international relief organization wants to keep the symbol they’ve been using since 1863 free of commercial entanglements is totally reasonable. I’m sure those volunteers getting blown up and killed in various warzones

Whaaaaaa I won’t support a foundation that helps thousands of people in times of crisis every week because my video game health packs look different....

Under normal trademark law, certainly. But since the Geneva Convention has been mentioned, I’m thinking there are considerations above and beyond normal national trademark laws here. If it’s a matter of international treaty, all bets are of when it comes to mark genericization.

It has nothing to do with the actions and behavior of the enemy. They are not up to our standards. Let’s not lower ourselves to theirs.