probably for the same reasons big pharma claims depression is biological and not mental, we just dont know a damn thing about ourselves other than how the machine operates.
probably for the same reasons big pharma claims depression is biological and not mental, we just dont know a damn thing about ourselves other than how the machine operates.
I never really understood the flashy cases, to me a nice custom acrylic is prime, if you want to get fancy then go for the mineral oil aquarium PC.
Dont worry, your bombs being dropped on babies did that long before your police became treasonous.
Amazing piece, so rare to see the cold hard truth laid out by the media these days. You should be proud and you have my respect.
There are a lot of anime based on extremist cults, dont see how this is worth mentioning.
Every time I tell a women I am a man on the internet she treats me like I am hostile invader trying to take over her country. Seriously though, feminists have got to be some of the most sexist people I have ever encountered.
He has ear spacers and plays counter strike, while not worthy of a throat cutting.... it is close.
How is it that a company with so many financially successful games and a constant flow of royalties for engine use be broke?
Sounds like blatant mis management, and in that case it should probably be allowed to fail. It is not like the industry cannot continue without them. Whatever happened to natural selection…
Man could have made good money being a button tester for dvd players... but no all his skills and abilities have to go into the digital void of video gaming.
I say good, Nintendo has refused to adapt to the gaming industry for over 20 years. Tired of their cookie cutter rehashes of their former glory.
Nintendo is the dead horse of the gaming industry, just let it go and stop thinking about them, they are irrelevant by their own choosing.
If god wanted us to wear clothes we would be born with them.
If a man can be dressed as a women and be accepted by society why not an asian as a black man? Maybe he doesnt identify as an asian and is simply expressing his identity! /s
Short sighted idea to say the least. Before you get rid of anonymity you should be focusing on the corruption of the governments and corporations in control of it.
HA, QA in modern games thats hilarious. The end users are the new QA, no more paying beta testers, we pay them to test it for them now.
Drugs have mostly been legal throughout our entire history, I wonder however did we get to this point if those substances are so dangerous?
Drugs are illegal for 2 reasons, control and profit.
Dont worry little one, poor consumers like you wont last. Those that refuse to accept mediocrity and piss poor work for tens of millions of dollars are the ones that will change this cesspit of exploitation you seem to endorse.
I would rather be a gamergater (though I am not, nor do I care about such silly things) than…
I think anything can really become an addiction, it doesnt have to be a physical substance imo simply result in a negative impact on your daily life through over use.
And yet the state of the industry proves me right and you just a self absorbed egotist. Also if you do not game, you should not be making games. The same as if you do not eat meat you should not be working at a BBQ joint as the chef.
Its logic and common sense kid, not your hipster bleeding heart BS. Try and be less of…
Wars being waged the world over, countless instances of starvation brought on by exploitation, homeless children and families and Japan is worried about sex and cigarettes tainting their populace....
And you might want to stop feeling so superior you think other opinions are wrong because they are not yours.