
Welp, news for you. Billionaires can get around some income tax, not all, the code can be tightened, HOWEVER, the Warren tax isn’t a tax on income, it’s a ‘wealth tax’, which is based on their accumulated wealth they already have. They MIGHT be able to weasel out of some percentage of it, but they can’t suddenly claim

What? He stuck up for his city of residence?

Truly a glitch. Seattle always passes from the one-yard line.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

So they spent several seasons joking that both parties are the same, and now during a period of outrageous abuse of power and civil rights breaches this ostensibly libertarian show is whining about ‘why does everything have to be about politics?’