…and Reagan National Airport…
…and Reagan National Airport…
RIP Denny.
The system was used to take down the monuments. ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS VOTED TO REMOVE THE STATUES.
It's representative democracy. Like the article says, the statues were removed by the city following a vote of city officials.
She was a shitty Labor Secretary under Bush. No sympathy.
I would hope that there would be some level of physical prevention/actual response to future riots by Trump-supporters.
Ugh. This is what we're hoping for. President Pence and the First Mother.
You're right, but there are a lot of people who believe awful, evil things who would still know when to just shut the fuck up about it.
On the east coast, we need a rage pick-me-up to finish out the day.
Sometimes I can't decide if his "beliefs," such as they are, piss me off as much as his incredible, incredible stupidity.
He didn't.
*@Dikachu has heart attack, dies*
He did the rounds on alt-right media after he was fired complaining that he had been "shamed."
This woman is over-gasped!
What impact did Prince have on all of this?
I admire your ability to still be appalled at things.
They'll just cut medicaid to cover it.
YOU SEE THIS, TRUMP?! You made a Canadian feel anger, threaten violence, and use curse-words. A CANADIAN! You monster!