Wishverse Willow

It’s Hilaria Baldwin. Hilary Burton is someone else. Typos and mistakes happen but maybe don’t make those kinds of mistakes when you’re talking about someone’s loss.

I’m proud to provide this photo as a public service to Jezspin.

I’m “meh” on Grande, but that costume is FANTASTIC. “Eye of the Beholder” is an absolute classic “Twilight Zone” episode. You simply cannot talk about the cultural impact of the series without mentioning that episode. Kudos to Grande for knowing a classic when she sees it; she’s got excellent taste in “Twilight Zone”

This really fucking sucks. I come here for all kinds of news, and deadspin is part of my news. Or was. I appreciated their willingness to show how sports and the wider world fit together. One can’t just stick to sports’ if one genuinely loves sports because SPORTS ARE MORE THAN A FUCKING GAME, AND SO ARE UNIONS. ✊✊✊🖕

Ariana’s twilight zone mask is perfect! That’s one of my favorite episodes. 

Long live Deadspin...

Sorry. I know this is not the forum,but I’m gutted over Deadspin.

If Trump sits for a deposition he will absolutely perjure himself. Could this be a repeat of the Bill Clinton impeachment in which a president is impeached for perjury? That would be ironic, wouldn’t it?

Sorry, that first line broke me and I couldn't continue. 

“I’m cold” -- the one with the little ghost boy who froze to death in the woods.

Quicksilver: it comes out of the wall!

I ain’t fuckin’ going to the mall with Joe Biden

As the author of the moniker, a hyphen in “Bobby Two-Strokes,” please.

I’ll thank you to refer to that man by his proper name of Handjob Bob” or “Bobby Two Strokes” in the future please.

I was fully thinking she was being unreasonable until I saw that it wasn’t just a lookalike, they used actual photos of her to sell shit.

I think it’s just that things are more dire today. The captain planet era messaging was always sort of toothless and focused on broadly non-controversial talking points: “Don’t pour oil on birds, please. Don’t put spent fuel rods directly into your local pond. Smog: pretty gross, right?”

This is a great piece and it is wonderful to hear from the galvanized Youngs about the issue, but my question is: What’s different about today in terms of the messaging than what we had 30 years ago?

Jost is, in fact, a tall glass of of room-temp almond a dirty glass.

Anti union sentiment always baffles me, especially when the people espousing such would benefit greatly from organising.
Are unions perfect? No.