
throbbing, 1-2 inch long piece of felt

Props to Sam/Tara: this was perfect.

Anti-Abortion Activists Climb Into Trash, Realize They’re Finally Home

Wait wait wait....
There is “decent” modern scripted porn?

When I was showing my parents around Harvard Yard, dad asked what kind of trees grew there. I didn’t know (still don’t), and said as much. He said, “I guess they’re Harvard Trees,” and laughed. I was mortified.


The real shade there was Bourdain’s response. His last tweet:

No, the one good thing about waist trainers was realizing my 9 year old has been listening to me when a commercial came on for them during Little House On The Prairie. Her exact quote was, “I bet there isn’t something like this for men.”

I do my bathroom business in the morning at home, before my shower. I don’t poop in a public bathroom; I’m not some jungle animal! And no, I’ve never had to do #2 at work. Not at my current work, anyway. I also generally avoid Anna’s Taqueria for lunch, while my sicko co-workers flock there and then foul up our


Hahahahaa, are we married to the same dude?! When we were long-distance dating Mr. Queef made me send him naughty pics on a USB by CERTIFIED MAIL because he thought they’d be safer that way! I...don’t know about that :-/

I texted my husband a picture of my boobs when he was out of town once. He texted back a long response about the “dangers of the cloud.”

Y’all hating on shondas shows, but I don’t see any of these white women or white men giving talented black women opportunities to develop television shows at their production companies. #staypressed #blackgirlsupremacy #blackgirlmagic

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

A friend I knew when I lived in another state DID eat at home a lot. But sometimes he and his wife wanted to go out. Sometimes they went on vacation and did not have access to a kitchen. Not eating out is not always an option. For example, when he got married, the dinner at the reception needed to be all foods that

Choosing between the Patriots and the Seahawks was a no-win prospect for me. The Pats sucks for endless reasons and I can’t get over my Pete Carroll hate to root for the Seahawks.

This expression is my everything.

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in