
So I never tried to push it, because I have no desire to expose my body more than necessary, but standing up straight, my finger tips don’t fall below the bottom of my butt. I have short arms and legs, and normal length torso, and a huge ass. you’d see about an inch of butt before hitting the bottoms of my

I’m not sure where you live, or honestly, what indoor shoes even are, but at no school that I have ever heard of or attended where students expected to change shoes for any reason other than gym.

as a large boob haver, I can confirm. In 7th grade, I got taken to the office and forced to wear someone’s old gym shirt because the top I had on showed a bit of my side when I raised my hand. On the way to escorting me to the office, me and the vice principal ran into my very slender classmate, who was wearing an

I noticed that! It seems like really terrible material for a flogger. Like sure, it’s cheaper than leather, but at what cost?

Mandatory reimbursement I think is legislated on a state level, but many companies will have a reimbursement policy even if it isn’t required by state law.

And no call backs to the metal bikini

Oh my goodness, that picture with Billie Lourd.

I think her argument is not necessarily that she isn’t getting jobs for lying about her age (not that she did) but that the people who would be giving her jobs now believe that she’s actually 33, rather than 26. And I think the over/under thirty is a big thing for actresses, especially the ones whose rolls tend to be

based entirely on what I know about the show from that blurb, and what I know about Breaking Bad from existing in a world where everyone but me has seen Breaking Bad, it kind of sounds like the CW’s teenaged take on Breaking Bad.

Just recently had my first encounter with dick cheese. And because of the way I went down, that encounter was via taste, not sight or smell. Can we pleeeeeaaaase get some summers eve equivalent commercials for guys with foreskin?

At least she waited until the candles were out

I have a feeling I’d probably treat the situation the same way. But I like to think I’m self-aware enough to realize how bad it would look to go around saying it publicly.

I would watch the shit out of it, but I have a feeling it wouldn’t exactly play the way Abbie Lee is hoping for.

My annoyance is definitely colored by my really low opinion of him. If this had been from a celebrity I liked, I would be a lot more understanding.

As a MA resident, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

If my commute were 15 minutes or less, I could save between 3-400 dollars a month on parking/train pass (since I assume if I’m 15 minutes away, I could get a much cheaper T pass, or walk). Even if it didn’t reduce costs, going from my current 90-100 minute commute to 15 minutes would completely change my life. I

...That describes my exact lunch every day. Boarshead roast beef, a cucumber, babybel cheese, and some fruit. I really don’t like sandwiches (I’m not a big fan of mixing foods in general), I’m curious what your son objects to about them.

His whole campaign reminded me of when some kid runs for class president on the platform of “free candy in all the vending machines, and a pool party every Friday”, and then when he’s elected, everyone gets mad because the teachers are like “yeah, he really doesn’t have the authority to do that”

Ugh, yeah, I’m struggling to remember the exact context now, but I remember an episode where they went on vacation somewhere tropical, and all Bruce wanted to do was go zipline-ing and ATV-ing and shit, and some of the girls were into it, and others were like, hey, maybe we can just relax by the beach, but he

He did a few years ago, and it was a shit storm. In addressing it, he said he was taught to put his hand over his heart for the pledge, and to sing for the anthem.