
that was wonderful, thank you!

yeah, I definitely don’t hear the song as pushing back against the patriarchy, and given Meghan Trainor’s other works, I don’t think it’s something she was intending either. If she is trying to push against the patriarchy, she’s doing so very poorly, so I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

I hate that song so so so so so much. I think I scared some people at a party this weekend when one of them brought up Meghan Trainor and I just WENT OFF about how much I hate her, and everything she does, and this song especially. I think what gets to me is yeah, it’s heteronormative sexist bullshit, but so is a lot

You know what, you’re probably right about the finals week thing (both because people are stressed about finals and because, at the end of the week, most people won’t even be on campus at all). And it’s nuts, because if you’re taking measures to ostensibly protect the students, then shouldn’t the students have some

I’m a Northeastern alum, and this is the first I’m hearing about this. I’m not shocked people are protesting, I am shocked that they thought it was a good idea in the first place. Especially since, at least in my experience there, the NU cops weren’t exactly the best and the brightest.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I read the book, and it is sad, but not really for whale killing reasons. They don’t really start the book until after the whale smashes their boat, at which point they have way worse things to worry about than whaling.

We read the book of this when I was in high school. I supposed I should be greatful that we read this instead of Moby Dick, which is like, 3 times longer, but holy hell was it a long, boring, depressing book, made even more so by the fact that it was a true story.

that is a PERFECT idea!

I wanted an ez bake oven so. bad. I’m 26 now, I may have to buy one for myself, just to finally fulfill that dream.

I wanted an ez bake oven so bad and I NEVER GOT ONE.

the sidewalk “high-heel friendly” grates are made with slip-resistant surfaces

There was a question, I think on askamanager a little while back written by a guy whose name was King, and one of his coworkers refused to call him by his name because of her religion. I imagine she’d have an even bigger problem with the name Saint

I swear if Meghan Trainor wins anything, I will shit myself with rage.

it seems like it should really be your Grindr username

Na uh, he didn’t say terrorists! That would be racist. He just said “to create turmoil, fear and in some cases death and destruction”.

yeah, I’m the daughter of a (white) immigrant, and I have similar deadpan conversations with people who expect me to be all “yeah, fuck immigrants” with them.

I did the exact same thing!

My parents have one for their kitchen, and it’s magical. I’ve been dropping hints that it sure would be awesome to have for my own kitchen, if they can’t think of what to buy me for Christmas, you know.

This list is false. If my uncomfortable office is anything to go by, it should be nothing but gloves, space heaters, and yes, that blanket. Seriously, I think it’s somehow colder in here than it is outside.

Mine are all in one bucket. I’m usually okay about staying home when I’m sick, but if it comes down to being able to take my schedule 3 day weekend in a few months, or staying home that day, I’m dragging my sick ass in to work.