
I know! Every article about this guy, when I see the picture but before I’ve read the headline, my first thought is “what did George Zimmerman do now?”

The monkey hat is the orange one of these guys

welp, just ordered this. It just so much classier than my current solution of one key having a monkey hat, one with a cupcake hat, and one being naked.

Oh dear god, any adult man who lists Catcher in the Rye as one of his favorite books on his online dating profile is a dealbreaker for me. Either he’s an adult male whose favorite book is Catcher in the Rye, in which case, he’s likely got a serious case of the man-childs, or he just hasn’t read anything since high

My entire goal in life is to get on project runway, then fake a breakdown so that Tim Gunn will come comfort me.

I really enjoyed it. I’m not saying it’s a peer reviewed research paper or anything, but it’s far more real research than I would have expected, peppered with anecdotes from his own relationship. But the emphasis is definitely on survey data. And he put the work in. They travelled to different countries to have focus

I don’t think it’s suggesting that the people supporting the bill are lying. It’s saying that the people who were protesting the bill were saying that if the bill passed, then men could go into women’s restrooms and rape them. And this happening, even though the bill didn’t pass shows that the bill wouldn’t cause it

I once got repeatedly yelled at by a man who was declined for a store credit card (like you, with no explination, just a number to call) who just kept insiting that he couldn’t have been declined, because he was a doctor. Like a mantra, over and over again, “but I’m a doctor”. There’s only so many politely ways to

Plus, since his date had to pay, he didn’t have any other card on him. It’s not like he need to specificy *which* card to the waiter, there was only one card.

I’m allergic to most raw vegetables, which is what I immediately thought of. But american cuisine is not typically unavoidably smothered in vegetables, so I rarely have cause to even mention it to my server.

Because taxes are different in every state, and sometimes, within the same state, different in different cities. Different types of things are taxed in different places, and some states don’t have any tax at all. Rather than requiring that any store with more than one location have a different set of signs, ads,

I'm still bitter over the hundreds of ruined dinner rolls that resulted from my mom marrying someone who was inexplicably squicked out by butter being left out all the time. We never kept it in the fridge until he moved in.

It’s one thing if a politician says “Look, I know I grew up really privleged. Here’s how I’m going to combat that by listening to people who didn’t have the advantages I had” I understand that politicians are going to tend to be wealthier than the general population, just as a consequence of how our election system

The brand? They’re style&co, which I think is macy’s in house brand.

I’m an electrical engineer working in construction, and anecdotally, I very very very rarely work with women. And when I do, they’re typically lighting designers, interior designers, or furniture reps. The level of skepticism I receive when I show up to a job site and tell them I’m there for a survey would be comical

I just got these for a wedding, and they’re actually super comfy

I got all the way to checkout on the sanding sugar, only to see that shipping was $12 dollars. I’m not paying almost 100% for shipping, sorry dean and deluca.

This is like the Jersey Shore all over again. Stop blaming us for people from other states.

This one is mine:

A girl I went to school with discovered that her mom had been mixing up her and her sisters social security numbers for their whole lives. They were close in age, and only discovered the issue when the older one started applying to colleges