
Here’s the thing: it’s not failing miserably. That’s a Republican (began with Reagan) lie.

“fixing the students High Schools broke” is a dick thing to say. It’s not like 2-year schools have a great record with these kids, either. 

Well, as to their nonprofit status:

OK, back for a second take on this, as I was fed up in the first one.

I don’t think it is the salary, though. Like, in some places, yes, it absolutely is. But this trend is in states with higher salaries, too (which, yeah, are still pretty low, but they’re livable). It’s about the amount of shit we have to deal with ON TOP of the low salary.

People need to realize: Teachers are people, too. That teacher you hated in 9th grade? They were probably GREAT for another kid. You just didn’t click. I’m critical of a teacher down the hall from me that, as far as I can tell, doesn’t really teach all that much. But you know what? She buoys the social-emotional

I chose suburban teaching, even though I wanted to do urban, because I could see that wave coming, and didn’t want to be part of it. It’s not a ton better here (we get odd bits of terrible ideas that were tried out in urban settings), but at least they let us stick around and don’t *try* to make us quit.

And if anybody actually listened to us about what we need/want/think. The biggest complaints outside of the shitty states (where pay is basically nil) are that we need to chill on testing (and talking about testing), and focus on mental health/discipline. That’s resulted in a whole new set of tests for mental health,

YES YES YES. I agree with the idea that we shouldn’t be suspending students right and left. However, that doesn’t mean we abandon discipline. It means we:

In secondary, yeah, but elementary has a lot of ed majors.

It was a fake stat that everyone ran with. It’s not true. Signed, a fellow high-SAT-scorer who is in education. 

That’s not true. It was a made-up stat with NO citations, put forth by a company with skin in the education game. 


A gun that’s more likely to be used against her than by her, you mean?

I love it, too, but I do quibble with the article’s description of Vivian here:

She’s executive producing, not starring, right? I’m actually pretty fricking excited about this, as someone who teaches geography to that range. 

That’s pretty much exactly what I thought, too. If she stopped, then it would be obvious that she had a backing track. Not that I blame her for either having a backing track or for continuing; like everyone else has said, there are better things to dislike her for.

Totally agree! They’re pricey, so I’m thinking that’s some of the issue. Then, of course, there is the prejudice that you bring up. 

Hey, don’t insult bodice-rippers like that.