Well...did he? It’s pretty easy for him to prove it. There’d be a police report.
Well...did he? It’s pretty easy for him to prove it. There’d be a police report.
To answer your first question: Kind of, yes. We are addicted to rage.
I was thinking about Richards and the n-word rant when I watched this. A huge chunk of Seinfeld’s career legacy was threatened 4-ish years before this video was taken when Richards went on a racist rant that included, as a primary offense, calling the heckler the n-word.
Hot take: I don’t particularly like her voice. There. I’ve never actually heard anyone say that before, and it feels good to get that out there. I recognize its technical merits, but I’m not a fan.
Where were you when Clueless came out? That’s when everyone else fell in love with Rudd!
I think, like you said, it’s virtually impossible to separate the Disney Princess junk from the culture. I remember really wanting a boyfriend, or even just boy *drama* so I’d have something to talk about with the other girls who’d gone through all of that. I wasn’t ever hoping for a prince to come take me away, like…
When Twilight the book was at its peak (immediately pre-movies), I finally read it because it was HUGE with my students. In my next few conferences, I brought up the problematic relationships, and how I wanted them to be clear that watching someone sleep isn’t romantic, etc, etc. The first couple of kids I did this to…
I could never tell if they were going for “It’s the love of a long friendship!” or “Nighy is romantically in love with his manager!” though. They pretty deliberately left that ambiguous, and that pisses me off.
WHAT WHAT? Well, now I can’t un-hear it.
I caught some of it once; I *hate* the relationship of the sisters (think it’s pretty unrealistic) and the main character is an asshole. HOWEVER, it’s got some stronger points (Heigel and Marsen being the chief strong points).
I actually thought that the accent thing was funny, too. I know MANY girls who are super into accents, and that would totally “upgrade” a guy in their view by waaay to many levels.
He *was* in a home. They can’t provide everything. My question was always: why does the fact that she’s answering the phone mean that sex/relationship/everything is off the table? They were getting along great. They clearly liked each other at work. But he just...leaves...because she answers the phone? Like, she’s…
This is racism: absolutely. Not allowing for a reasonable accommodation that works for others, without warning, to be conducted in public, is horrible and goes with a long history of anti-black-hair fuckery.
Agreed- that took me 10 seconds! It’s just as easy as changing the genders of songs for the the “no homo” crowd! (looking at you, Buble)
I love a good duet, and I LOVE some good classic music. How about “I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm” instead, everyone?
There are some VERY MINOR edits that could make the song totally OK:
Right; but the narrative of the song is two people alone; he’s just about to put some records on, they’re clearly aiming at sexy times, along, at his place. Like, the song isn’t “Hey, stay here and make out in front of all my other guests.” It’s “Stay here alone, with just me and no chaperones, which is seen as…
They might have performed it at parties, but they were playing characters that were (a) not married, as they were in real life, and (b) alone together at the man’s house. That’s pretty clear from the narrative of the song.
Eh, the “I need a boy” comment was gross, but he’s clearly grown, so that’s nice. I have a lot of co-workers whose husbands SHOULD UNDERSTAND HOW BABIES ARE MADE who “put pressure” on them to have boys. AS IF IT IS SOMETHING THE WOMAN CAN CONTROL. AS IF BOYS ARE BETTER! AARRGGHH!