
The problem with jailhouse snitching is that there is often a lack of other evidence to support the testimony and the snitcher is often being bribed in order to get them to lie, as in, “We’ll reduce the charges against you if you help us convict someone who is possibly innocent.”

He was a jailhouse snitch, being a rat is bad enough but now he’s Mr. Moral Majority, and there are several accounts of him being a terrible person and terrible to work with, particularly to women, so which of those do you want to pick?

Tim Allen is a coke snitch, always worth remembering, really sad the reaper took John Ritter instead of him

mr beast isn’t gonna fuck you, dude

Because reality has taught us that corporations and business people are usually liars and often evil people so expecting the worse is a reasonable response. What astounds me is random people will spend their time defending a soulless corporation’s inhumane ethics because boot straps, hard work, yada, yada, yada. 

You’ve clearly never worked retail or customer service in your life.

We’re not jumping to conclusions because we’ve worked these shitty jobs. Your white collar ass can trust that him showing up and harassing employees was good for no one but him.

Apparently when you gave Thanos the Time gem, you saw all other realities except this one...

Unlike capitalism, which is the original multi level marketing cult that allows one person at the top of the pyramid to live off the efforts of millions of people hard work where they only get a small fraction of the money their efforts are generating because the cult leader gets to get 90% of it.

It sucks being told by your boss that you are not working hard enough.
It sucks even more to be told that you are not working hard enough by someone who is not your boss.
It sucks more than both of those to be told by a rich celebrity that you are not working hard enough to personally make them more money.

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

you have to keep having the conversation because youre wrong. its about facism told from the viewpoint of a soldier ingrained in the system. Rico is an uncritical narrator.

You’re bulldozing over a ton of fascist principles or looking at them with rose-colored glasses.
Gating voting and holding office behind military service only ensures that only military personell actually command the whole society. 

If you’ve read the book and that is your takeaway, I hope you never hold any power over anyone else.

It’s extraordinary to see someone dismiss suffrage as just some frippery. What were women and people of colour making such a fuss about?!

Seems like all the facist red flags in the book went right past your head, mate.

Right, right, there is absolutely nothing fascist about restricting the right to vote or hold office to the people that have gone through the government brainwashing program, and the novel definitely doesn’t glorify fighting and the infantry as the heart of the moral philosophy. It isn’t like the protagonist’s

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.