Rolling holey smoke

I grew up in CA and when I moved next door to ND, the racism I witnessed against Native Americans left me speechless. It’s blatant and unapologetic and includes housing discrimination and businesses not serving them.

Lange’s tiny features are definitely distracting and not a very good match for gorgeous Joan.

puns! I am sad I don’t think that way b/c I love them so...

gah, I don’t know how to edit...only someone who reads FOR A LIVING would read “foot-tall” as “year-old”. yeesh. Blame the state of america on folks like me....

I was feeling snarky about a 50 year old tree being designated as “old growth” but now you have explained it. Thank you for relieving me of the pain of snarkiness and replacing it with the shared love of trees! Yay trees!!

Yes, Good Omens sounds perfect for me. Thank you for the recommendations!

Thanks! Good luck kicking that cold!

I actually listened to the audiobook, read by the author. Completely delightful.


Ooh, I am just finishing Neverwhere and I love it. It’s my first Gaiman novel. I grew up on fantasy fiction during the 80s and am wondering why I left it.

I am right there with you! Because I was getting awful, heavy periods (thanks, perimenopause!) - I decided to remove them completely with hormone addition. Cue week 3 of bleeding. I just can’t seem to cut a break these days - everything I am doing to improve my long-term well being has backfired/exploded into side