Also Willoughby

The kid is using a term he barely understands to make himself into a victim. I really don' give him credit for that, because I don't consider it a "cutting cultural insight" by any means

No, the 'fake geek girl' trend is what needs to end. It is a rude and stupid sense of entitlement.

I find it not unlike the people who refer to Obama as a socialist Nazi.

I find it even more off-putting because we only have about 2 more episodes with Troy, and 10 more episodes for the season.

They already used that for their law and order spoof very effectively, where it was someone like Starburns. But what doesn't happen often is that a main characters of the show gets the same treatment.


But it didn't really work that way for me, for the characters that seemed to be a legitimate gut punch, Shirley's reaction and all. It just came out of nowhere and was barely addressed. And if that's all they mention it, it'll be a waste

Same boat, the plot got way too soap opera for me to get interested, and too many seperate, not interesting enough pieces. No real need to finish it, but i will if i hear good things

eh, only twice i lauged, the rest was more smiles and a light chuckle here and there. Jokes did very little for me

Because the world MUST have a definitive answer on favorite tv gal pals!

It's hilarious the number of pointless hand to hand fighting they add every episode

I disagree. Rewatched a few S1 episodes over Christmas, it was better than I remembered it.

I'm personally disappointed that Zenon-speak hasn't become vogue in the future.

I think they've really written themselves into a corner by wanting both all these gadgets and robots in their universe as well as heroes that are the underdogs fighting against superior advanced criminals every week. It creates weird tonal shifts and inconsistencies in the show

As fun as the banter can be, I still dislike Kennex. He's too much of a walking talking trope that he's boring, way too boring for a lead.

It honestly makes less sense the more I think about it. I can see why you wouldn't want empathy and free will in your androids, but why you make them less able to solve crimes, since I don't know how those reasoning skills and empathy would even be intrinsically linked.

Contradiction possibly. The MX units in the pilot seemed pretty capable of being detectives initially. You're right he did say that the mx's couldn't make inferences or conclusions, but they did minutes ago.

They're really screwing the pooch on the android angle too. But seriously, the inclusion of android cops at the very least should mean that you have a legion of Sherlock Holmes bots with the combat proficiencies of terminators, but they get destroyed so easily or used as stand-ins for ipods and interns.

That ashley judd movie did it better.

nah she was the one brazenly going after Branson. Hughes sent her away