Also Willoughby

eh, that's a lot of head canon for something that's not remotely supported in the text. Unless it was and I don't remember. That's really why I hated Let;s kill hitler so much, a pretty halfassed and inconsistent backstory for one of my favorite characters.

I wouldn't say "sin", but yes it's pretty messed up. And I would say this regardless of Amy's gender. I understand the appeal, but knowing what we do about Rory and their relationship, it is a huge betrayal.

I am so against head cannon too. I shouldn't have to make mental gymnastics to make someone else's story work.

Not just that but who knows how many lifetimes she's lived and died. What does that mean for a person? According to the show, not much.

I don't think that this story was a deus ex machina paradox situation, I'm just referring to many of the plots in the past seasons, Angels take Manhattan, Season 6 finale, where 'timey-wimey' is supposed to be a clear-all answer. I think it weakens the story, and the emotional resonance coming off of it becomes hollow.

Why are you not writing for this show!?

I'm remembering the Doctor's "deaths" in the 5th and 6th season. His timeline erasing while he says goodbye to Amy, or "If you have to leave, remember the best, and my friend's have always been the very best of me" line especially. This didn't really compare to those at all for me. Amy, Rory, and maybe River should

I disagree. Going to point a to point b sets the story going and the characters do the rest. All the paradox handwaves just resolve the plot however you want without doing any work for it.

That's actually kind of terrible. Instead of making a new character they just copy and pasted another's personality. Very lazy

I don't understand what you mean by "pointless" . Since most of what happens logically carries to the next scene, is important later, or there to build character.

I really recommend you give it another go. Joshua Naismith was pretty damn condensed. He's introduced, we're given his motivations, he gives short speech for shading, he sets up the master race, and he's out. It's actually very barebones as is without sacrificing character.

ASOIAF? Wait what are we doing?

If I'm understanding you correctly, Let's not be ridiculous here. Feeling betrayed after being cheated on, especially before your wedding, is not freaky religious nonsense.