
You can still catch up with David and his stories on

Ricci Sergienko, an organizer at People’s City Council, a group that organizes against policing, told Jezebel the massive cultural reaction to the slide video stems in part from the obvious physical comedy. But it’s also funny because it took a children’s slide to deliver some form of karmic “justice” in a society

I’ve been seeing some pretty thin patties on the Popeye’s chicken sandwich lately. Considering the fact that the large, thick patty was the main reason why it was so good and not all dried out, I hope these cases were anomalies and not the new normal.

And yet the bell end in charge of this project was the thick one.

The G35/37 sedan is what the Maxima should have been.

Exactly my thought! I saw it in the top screencap and immediately read through for the inevitable deep dive, but nobody even noticed.

Weird it is under a “READ THIS!” headline.  Does Jalopnik get a kickback from Bloomberg here?

By that logic, I can sell a car & claim it has flying ‘capability’. Does it fly? Of course it doesn’t. But one day, maybe, it might be capable of flight, so I’m not deceiving buyers.

This year is 2022. It’s almost 2023.

Rear taillights? As opposed to the front taillights?

Once they realized their mistake they arrested her and charged her with resisting arrest and obstruction of justice, searched her car, and looked into her past for any criminal history.

Well, this article was shit. Thanks for writing it for him, fellow Jalop commenters!

How exactly would a steel height check bar further up the road be an impossibility?  Oh.  You were being stupid.

My sympathy for the people who support the orange turd is nil.  And watching them lose money doesn’t bother me in the least.

Though my memory is isolation-unreliable, I remember that old, fat, diabetes-ravaged racist in total disbelief because her savior had cut Meals On Wheels. Oh, how I WISH a really good journalist would follow up with her! Someone who’ll appear sympathetic to get her talking but with the ovaries to get her to say

For me, it’s definitely websites formatted as slideshows.
A throwback to earlier times that couldn’t load more than one image at once and measured advertising impact by the dumbest metric known.

I´d like a Bucciali TAV8, please. V8, front- wheel drive on artillery wheels.

Can’t unsee...

Man, mid to late aughts forums were the best. I miss the online comraderie and the modding knowledge share.

That crazy VW trike they almost built.