

I used to post stuff to IO9's Concept Art Writing Prompts back in the day when IO9 was its own thing before the Gawker decimation. Every once in a while, I feel inspired and share. Sometimes its good to give something without strings attached or expectation of return. :)

I’ve seen the world destroyed a billion, trillion, trillion ways. In fire, in ice, in billions of years... or in a matter of days. Every moment is filled with the potential of life and death at every step. A choice that is made as easy as right or left. When I close my eyes a hear a billion-billion, trillion, trillion

I like where your head’s at. I’d like this for a ‘13 Mazda5. I’ve added about 2" all ‘round and I’m waiting for the CVs to give way.

(Yes, I’m well aware Mazda makes the CX5 and CX9, but our van’s paid off and I still love sliding doors.)

This is a really weird comment. 

Fuck this pearl clutching, fuck the statements and impeach the motherfucker if that’s how you feel, Nancy.

Bless your heart.

To be fair....” 

Son, I’m older than you.

These fucking assholes are ALWAYS here. ‘It’s just a joke dude’, ‘If she want to be harassed, she should’ve stayed home’, or my ‘favorite’, ‘That’s a woman??’

No thanks, go fuck yourself. 

Oh look, an asshole.

Having read books and shit, I think that the following could be a path that automation may lead us on:

Maybe on the side of the car by the median?

Yes, a third-rail approach (like some trains and subway cars) could work. Designated lanes with lower lines would also work, but they would need to be high enough not to be dangerous. Of course, someone standing in the back of a lifted pickup could probably grab the overhead lines (I live in Florida so this would be a

Prototypes of road-charging systems are being worked on. There are still some hurdles to get over. Biggest is the cost, which is quite large up front as you’re talking about something that has to extend for many miles to be of any use.

He did the math.