

There can never be enough Martin Short.

TY, TY 😘

How does one escape ~*~THE GREYS~*~

Men and women can both absolutely be attracted to a “type.” The difference is men feel entitled to women of a certain beauty standard, whereas women are told to be grateful for ::any:: male attention. If a woman speaks out about her ideal type, then she is shallow. If a man does it, he’s just taking what is his.

Eh. Some parts (especially in the “Parents” episode) are touching. The writing is good, but the acting is mostly terrible.


I tried typing out something similar re:underrepresented minorities above, but I like yours better.

Working with employment law on a daily basis, I can tell you that there is a difference between a minority hire and a diversity hire. “Diversity hire” is a broad term for anyone who isn’t a white dude. A “minority hire” is someone of a group who is underrepresented in a given sector/function/geographic area. You may

Am I supposed to think Seth Rogan is cool?

I wish I knew how to quit you.

Fair point(s)!

Tbh was not expecting original faces

::needs more stars::

So many designers hate women and women’s bodies. Don’t even get me started on the acts of terrorism Christian Siriano unleashes on Christina Hendricks or whatever the hell Balmain is trying to get me to buy at H&M.

Damn. This is good. SO GOOD.

A noble renard, indeed.

Does not surprise me. I have heard similar stories about TH, which is very disappointing.

That is a horrific amount of loss. I’m so sorry.

Just a casual howdy-do to tell you I love your username...