
hang out by the restaurants in the terminal for free wifi.

a lot of jacket surface area is touching the side of that. ewww.

"For adults aged 18-24 years or 30-34 years, approximately 40 percent lived in households with wireless-only telephones."

better gas mileage that way.

i see where you've earned your /nick "Puns-n-Roses." bravo.

i've noticed a growing trend and though i don't know the specifics of this particular example, it reminds me of the following new trend.

i'll never give up on these.

sure would suck for bubble tests though.

sexting startED

person a: a/s/l?

"I bought a 7 dollar pen, because I got tired of not caring." -mitch hedberg.

uh, hold the spool, wind a little out, aim and voila.

4 to 4.5 times the regular size of something is bigger.

the reason there is more space for the macbook trackpad (no argument the best trackpad on any computer ever) is because the keyboard doesn't take up unnecessary space with having two buttons that delete text (along with multiple other rarely used buttons). i was merely pointing out that backspace is not a term that is


okay people. backspace is not the better name for the key just because that's what you're used to. delete makes sense because the delete key deletes text. backspace is a typewriter thing that carried over to computer keyboards. it was called backspace, because it didn't delete anything (obviously); it just moved the

it deletes text. backspace is a typewriter thing.