
i bring my eyelids on EVERY flight.

so basically if you're money is in any of most banks it will take 72-144 years.

why not use a phone's gps (many of them have now) combined with the known locations of towers? then you could just always connect to the closest tower.

the binder clips aren't necessary here.

actually, that's pretty brilliant.

this would be the worst for any machine whose usb ports are side by side the long way (like the MBP)

or you could just watch all 22ish hours of Arrested Development. party at my house.

Two things.

when you open a can the seal doesn't fall completely off. that "widening" is just the part of the can flipped up.

North Dakota

That comparison is amplified by the fact that the value of US dollars is plummeting.

because drinking from a bottle doesn't taste like metal.

i love my phone

There is no way that is all fitting back in the box the way it shipped.

We wouldn't want to stop the lower debit card processing fees for merchants (that's where Durbin comes in). We would however want to stop the banks from countering with ridiculous debit card rules to force you to pay fees elsewhere.

it's a design for fanboys who buy exclusively mac. something about a "standard" that's not used anywhere else screams bad design.

mini display port

you can arrive early and be the only one on the street. there are plenty of a-holes that can block you in on both sides.

my car has a trunk

but if someone blocks you in that could be useful.