Al Roderick

I am saddened to hear that when that baby hit 88 miles per hour, he did not, in fact, see some serious shit.

There weren’t two sides. There was Gamergate and their agenda. Everyone else either reacted or ignored them. That’s not a “side.”

Lately, I wish more games didn’t have voice acting.

Confession: I just Googled “MBR.”

DDOS is the weapon of script-kiddie edgelords.

They’re pretty common. I personally never use 2 person mounts really it’s easier for the people you’re playing with most the time to be able to navigate themselves. That’s also just a personal preference . . . I’m a terrible back seat driver >.>

Are mounts with passenger seats common in MMOs? I’m an outsider to these sorts of things but as I hear about lots of couples who play together I can imagine this being a thing that people might try more often even if it turns out to be a bad idea.

Sometimes I wonder if Jack owns a factory that makes miniature models of factories.

Frankly I’ll take the game trying to tackle this subject and eating it like a bad Tony Hawk player over pretending it doesn’t exist.

Kinda sexist?

As a Reaper main, I love triggering my voice line after killing someone...“NEXT”, so bad ass.

I’m glad you pointed out the sound effects in the game. I like the fact that the game automatically has characters say, for example, when a teleporter/turret is up, and then found by your team, and then destroyed. It’s something other games would expect you to manually communicate with your team, and it helps to keep

Jesus Christ did someone actually say that out loud?

Most of that crowd takes one look at the exploitative practices of Uber, Travis Kalanick’s Ayn Rand worship, and the spate of sexual assaults in Uber cars, and rightfully want Uber to expect to behave like a taxi company if they want to operate like one.

Never noticed this before, but the volume panel on my Nexus 5x (android 6.0.1) has a down arrow next to it that opens the whole slider panel so you can adjust other volume types.

Yeah this is a good call - hate that shit. Not only do you need to wait for the vid to start playing, but even then the volume button doesn’t do what you want it to half the time. It’s turning down some imaginary Chromecast session that I ended like 12 hours ago - meanwhile the whole office hears whatever ridiculous

Rit’s Rover Rine Rousand Raggy!